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A wave of light tossed everyone away from Elvey, sending them crashing into the walls. Rosalinda, Zembyr, and Ginger yelped in shock. Fortunately, my magic didn’t mark them as the enemies, so they would only have a few bruises.

My light burned away every trace of the dark fog inside Elvey, exorcising Tianna’s spell. Elvey’s bones and tissues weaved together.

He opened his blue eyes and smiled at me.I bent and kissed him gently on the lips.

“More,” he whispered, his eyes sparkling with starlight.


I strode into the throne hall, with Elvey beside me as my equal. Zembyr, Rosalinda, and three of my royal guards flanked us.

The court was full, kneeling in front of Tianna. As soon as they caught the sight of Elvey, they uttered murmurs of surprises. They hadn’t expected him to recover in a day’s time after their evil queen shattered his bones.

I would always remember that none of them had helped him. As my cold gaze skimmed them, Elvey flashed them a devilish grin, as if he wanted to show them his fangs. But he didn’t have fangs, unlike my other three mates when they were in their dragon forms.

My stomach twisted. Were they still my mates?

My gaze sharpened and fixated on Blaze, Rai, and Iokul, who stood behind the black diamond throne where Tianna perched. They stared back at me. For a second, I believed that I saw intense longing for me in their eyes of different shades. Blaze’s throat bobbed. He was less adept at disguising his emotions.

Were they regretting what they had done?

When I blinked and looked at them again, the pining wasn’t there anymore. I might have just imagined it because I wanted to see that they still cared and wanted me.

The days when they fought to get me into their arms were long gone. They now looked at me as if they had never had a relationship with me. How could one just wipe away love, tenderness, and memories overnight? Never in a million years had I believed that they would be so heartless and detached toward me.

Their uninterested gaze left me but stayed on Elvey, and hate formed in their eyes.

At least, Elvey could still get a reaction from them by grinning at them in that wicked way of his.

Had they already served Tianna in bed? The way they had gazed at her yesterday, regarding her as the most exquisite being they had ever set eyes on, still made my stomach turn. And when they had chosen to go with her, I knew the hole they punctured in my heart would never close.

If Elvey hadn’t needed my care, I’d have fallen into pieces right in front of them and Tianna.

Now they wouldn’t even look at me. They couldn’t stand the sight of me, as if I sickened them. But I couldn’t tear my eyes away from them, and kept drinking them in.

I wanted to trace their eyes—fiery golden, warm sapphire, and icy silver— that had always captivated me and still mesmerized me. I wanted to trace their cold masks with my fingers.

My heart jerked in pain. It was their masks that had undone our relationship. Tianna had said that I wasn’t the one for them, but she was, and that only she could lift their curse if they stayed with her.

And they trusted her words instead of giving me more time to find a way to remove their masks. I doubted she’d do that, but even if she could, they wouldn’t know that their last freedom would be at the cost of mine. Tianna was determined to send me back to the jungle as Furies again, knowing it would be worse than death for me, knowing it would finally break me.

My pitiful thoughts kept drifting, wondering if my mates had shared her bed, then a click of relief echoed in the chamber of my mind. No, they hadn’t. If they’d done that, I would have been condemned to be Furies already.

At least, I still had hope. I could still fight for them.

They wouldn’t have jumped into her bed so soon. They had never been cold-blooded bastards before. They wouldn’t start now.

But the way they had treated me yesterday…

I wasn’t so sure about anything anymore.

I’d never been so tormented.

The dragon princes might be able to kill love overnight, but I couldn’t. My love for them, for all of them, including Elvey, was stitched into the fabric of my soul.

Tianna studied me with a taunting interest in her cruel, green eyes. No matter how she flouted her beauty, she could never get rid of the foulness, malice, and death beneath it.

But only Elvey and I could see through her glamour.
