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I would leave her with nothing but death.

Three of Tianna’s royal guards, who had stopped me from getting near the dais before, cut in before us.

“Go no further, Danaenyth and her escorts,” the lead guard in red armor said, drawing his sword.

The gesture was for show and completely pointless. Bloodshed was prohibited from either side during the Challenge, unless it was self-defense. Whoever drew the first blood would suffer the wrath of the unseen force that governed the Challenge.

Duel magic was as binding as a Fae’s promise.

“Know your fucking place, Jax,” Elvey hissed. “You’re addressing the true queen of Sihde.”

“How dare you blaspheme, Elvey?” Tianna snarled from her throne.

But her power couldn’t touch him now. I could see how she regretted breaking the blood bond between them.

“The dragon hybrid will never be my queen,” Jax said. “I’ve served the one and true queen—Her Majesty Tianna—since the beginning.”

He must have had a part in murdering my parents then—a blood debt he’d pay eventually.

Elvey ignored Tianna’s sizzling anger with a cold, lazy smile. He flicked his wrist, and a violent current shoved Jax and his sidekicks aside, sending them colliding and kissing the marble floor. Some other guards tried to move in and charge us, but halted as Elvey snapped his merciless gaze at them.

A chime rose in the air.

A new throne, made of gold, white diamonds, and emeralds, materialized on a new, raised dais, on the left of Tianna.

The splendid throne had the emblem of a dragon carved on the left armrest and a crest of a shield with stars inside—the symbol of Sihde—etched on the right.

It was a throne for the queen of both the Dragon Realm and Sihde.

Tianna opened her red-painted mouth in an utter shock and rage. “Elvey, you’re dead!” But bound by the rules of the Challenge, she couldn’t attack my companions and me.

“I’m more alive than ever,” Elvey purred with a satisfied, ruthless smirk. “For the first time in a millennium, I’m finally living. Unfortunately for you, Tianna, you didn’t do your homework, but I don’t blame you. You were never rightfully, legally crowned when you usurped the throne, so the spirits and guardians of Sihde, who only pledge to the true queen, have never bothered to inform you one of the ancient royal Fae laws.

“When you challenged Queen Daisy Danaenyth, you put yourself at the position as the heir of Sihde royal house instead of its queen, which you were never truly were and will never be. And when you issued the Challenge, you helped establish Queen Daisy Danaenyth as the true and returned queen. That’s why she could break your ward and summon her court and army.

“That throne is her rightful place. Pitifully, before the end of the Challenge, she won’t kick you out from your fake throne, but eventually, she’ll send it to the fireplace where it can find its true use. And you’ll stand trial in front of all and get what you deserve.”

The court gasped, yet none of them or Tianna’s guards dared to object or stop me from striding toward the throne. Elvey never broke from our interlaced fingers.

Zembyr, Rosalinda and my royal guards moved behind us, their heads held high and shoulders squared straight.

I sat on the throne Elvey’s magic had conjured for me. To my surprise, it wasn’t that comfortable. But thrones probably weren’t built for comfort.

Elvey chuckled at my thoughts, as he leaned against my throne.

Was he playing a prank, at a time and place like this?

He only flashed me an innocent yet damn hot grin. With Elvey, one never knew what would come next. The next second, his handsome face grew solemn and fierce. Formidable power—both ancient and new—rippled off him.

Rosalinda, who stood with my other guards near my dais, stepped forward.

“Behold your true queen to Sihde and the Dragon Realm, Her Majesty Queen Daisy Danaenyth,” she announced, her voice loud, clear, and musical. “Pledge your loyalty!”

Had they rehearsed this behind my back?

The Fae in the court darted their uncertain gazes between Tianna and me. They knew I was what Rosalinda had declared to be, and they’d seen my display of power, which was terrifying, even though I hadn’t been able to overthrown Tianna.

Some of them sent Elvey a resentful look for forcing them to choose and make a stand. Elvey grinned like the devil, loving the sight of Tianna’s court squirming. I’d learned that part of Elvey was quite cruel and unforgiving.
