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My White Light had become an extension of my will and surged to intercept the purple light that smelled so foul. It couldn’t be Fae magic.

The purple light bounced back when it met Elvey’s blue light and my White Light.

“They’re my court now,” I said. “I claim them as my people. I protect what’s mine. Attack them again at your own peril, Tianna.”

Zembyr and my guards drew their swords as one, as did my court.

They were ready to fight.

I raised a hand to stop them. “During the Challenge, you will not shed blood, unless it’s in self-defense. When I attend the court, you’ll join me. Other times, you’ll stay with my army camped in the realm.”

“Long live Queen Daisy and King Elvey,” they chanted, pounding their fists on their hearts.

“Long live Her Majesty Queen Tianna!” The other side roared, and they made more noise because of their larger numbers. If they weren’t loud enough, they might suffer Tianna’s punishment.

I dared to slip a glance at my dragon princes. My court had denounced them and elevated Elvey as their king.

My heart still ached and pined for my former mates, even though they had chosen to throw their lot in with my immortal enemy, even though they hadn’t helped when Tianna had shattered Elvey’s bones, even though they hadn’t cared or defended us when Tianna tried to hurt my people.

I held a slim hope that was fading every second. But I still waited for them to join me, join us. We could move past the wrong decision they’d made, and I would eventually find a way to lift the last piece of their curse and remove their masks. They didn’t have to stick with Tianna.

She was pure evil. She wouldn’t do good for them, and in the end, she’d only enslave them, like she was doing now.

But the dragon princes kept their stoic faces the entire time, not even bothering to spare me a glance.

My heart shattered all over again.


Elvey warded our side of the wing in the Red Palace and examined it daily. Rosalinda and Zembyr had the guards on the clock. We were living among the enemy, and every cautionary step was necessary. My magic would also alert me if any hostile force invaded our territory.

The night grew deep. In Elvey’s old chamber, it was just him and me.

I took in the room that was devoid of any personality. It had scarce furniture: a desk, a closet, and a bed that seemed no one had slept on for a while. Elvey had never seen Sihde as his home. He resented this place, having been a blood slave for centuries.

But now he was free, and he was with me.

Should I have a chance to rule in Sihde, I’d make sure to level the Red Palace. I would choose another high court and would make both Sihde and the Dragon Realm a home for him and for many others.

You’re my home, he said in my head. Yet he still didn’t come to me as I perched on the edge of the bed. His hot gaze locked with mine.

“You claimed me in your court,” he said, heat and tenderness in his blue eyes that were full of the mystery of the stars. I was falling into them.

I’d fallen into them a long time ago.

My heart fluttered, and I was afraid the tiny wings inside would carry it out of my body.

I raised an eyebrow, trying to maintain a cool manner. “You didn’t object,” I said. “You want to object now?”

A slow, sexy smile spread across his masculine beautiful face.

“You’d better make it in truth then,” he said, his voice rough with desire.

Fire sparked in my belly, spreading lower until it licked between my thighs.

Being with Elvey had a cost. He was a complicated man loaded with complications. But he saw me when no one else did. He’d seen me when I’d been the Fury beasts, when I was a dragon, and when I was Fae.

He’d been looking for me before I was even born.
