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My fire couldn’t burn my mate, and he roared with me, pumping his seed into my lava.

The orgasms lasted for a while, until he let my feet down on the ground, and his delicious weight collapsed on my back. Sweat glistened over my entire body, but he didn’t let me go. His hands came around to cup my breasts. His cock stayed hard in me, and his lips traced along my neck, cherishing me.

The gentleness contrasted so starkly with his nearly brutal fuck that it almost made me cry. I saw both sides of him, and I wanted all of him.

“You’re mine, beloved,” he said. “And my every breath is yours.”

He pulled out of me and flipped me over. He let me lie on my back when he thrust into my pussy just as my orgasm started fading. The demigod Fae was insatiable.

“I want to see your face when you scream my name,” he said, and thrust deeper into my wet heat.

“Let’s fuck the whole day. I’m not going to the court today.”

“I like the sound of that.” He smiled wickedly, and lust was a living thing in his bright eyes. “I promise I’ll make you produce all kind of lovely noises until you scream my name.”

He resumed his hard, unceasing thrusts, until he broke me then mended me and broke me again, just to show me I was his through and through.


Light sifted through the magically warded window, filtering ember hues on Elvey’s lavender hair. His lush lashes carrying the light fluttered, lust still thick in his blue eyes. His desire for me would never fade, as he’d told me. And my pulse would forever race for him.

It had been like that since we’d first met.

And here, we lay together, my head on his chest, my hands threading through his tousled hair. It almost felt peaceful, but I knew danger lurked in every shadow, surrounding us.

This wasn’t our home, though I intended to make Sihde a home for all the Fae if I beat Tianna in a month. The prospect looked grim, and a sudden feeling of defeat swarmed over me.

I couldn’t forget the callous, uncaring looks the dragon princes had cast my way yesterday. It seared my heart with pain, which had been even worse than when Rai had backhanded me. Among the three of them, he had been the sweetest. And now he was the cruelest.

A knock sounded at the door.

Elvey and I traded a grin. We’d been lazing about in bed for too long. My guards had been trying to give us as much time as possible, but we weren’t on vacation. We were in enemy territory.

“Just a second,” Elvey called, and brushed a kiss over my lips. “We need to get up, my queen, before they all rush in and see us like this. I don’t care if they admire my nudity, but I don’t want any eyes on my mate.”

I slanted him a look. “I have no intention of letting anyone get an eyeful of you, either.”

He chuckled, and we headed to the closet to pick out our outfits.

When we were fully dressed, Elvey opened the door.

Rosalinda peeked her blonde head in, teasing laughter dancing in her forest green eyes, as if she was exceptionally happy that her friend got laid.

Zembyr followed her in, and he was subtler than Rosalinda. He kept his warrior’s face intact, but a small smile sparkled in his eyes. He’d seen how my former mates treated me, and he was comforted that his rescuer had hooked up with me, mending my broken heart.

“I’m so sorry for interrupting, Your Majesties,” Rosalinda said. “But your people have been waiting for a while. They want to know when you’ll be holding the court today and are eager to serve you. Tianna also sent her guards to demand you attend the court.”

“That bitch must have a new game plan,” I said. “She can go fuck herself. I’m not holding court today.”

“The rule requires you to be at the court,” Elvey said. “However, it doesn’t say when.”

“Then I’ll only show up for a brief moment before sundown,” I said, smiling at Elvey. His knowledge was handy, and he always found clever loopholes for me to work around.

As he kissed the crown of my head in affection, I turned to Rosalinda. “Find me a priestess as soon as possible please.”

Rosalinda blinked.

“I intend to formalize my marriage to Elvey and crown him the king to the two realms,” I said. “Under the circumstances, the ceremony has to be simple and quick.”
