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“Try now,” he said.

His primal power—it could level a city but wouldn’t hurt his mate—poured into me, and my body buzzed with heat as if it was drunk on the delicious high voltage.

At the peak of the high, I let my White Light out. It crashed into the dark net, which resisted for a heartbeat before it fizzled out.

It was down.

When we lowered our joined hands, Elvey nodded at Rosalinda, and she walked through the opening, Adrian at her side. Elvey and I walked in the middle, and Zembyr brought up the rear.

We treaded carefully for a mile or so. The foulness and omnificence only grew worse as we approached the stone temple. There were hundreds of ancient stone stairs leading up to it. Before we climbed the staircase, a dozen or so horned demons appeared at the top of the stairs.

We had fewer numbers, but we were all lethal.

A slice of regret washed over me. How I missed having my dragon princes at my side. But they’d chosen to be at my enemy’s side.

We moved up and crashed into the demons in a wave of steel.

They tossed dark smoke at us, and my White Light lashed out to meet it.

Zembyr roared and tossed his axe out. It buried into the chest of a demon closest to him. A longsword showed up next in his calloused hand and thrust into the next demon. A third demon darted to his side, ramming its horn into his shoulder while Zembyr swung his blade to meet his main opponent’s.

Rosalinda moved like a flash beside Zembyr and cut the demon down before his horn could injure Zembyr. They fought side by side. The female Fae warrior’s sword found a new target, but a giant, green-horned demon cleaved a gash into her thigh. Rosalinda didn’t flinch. She simply slashed back at him.

Seven demons surrounded Elvey and me. I was the sole target. Elvey and I pressed our backs together. He hacked and swung his sword like it was an extension of his arm. The demigod’s speed was blinding and his strength formidable. Where he went and touched, flesh dropped to a heap and death arrived promptly. I was thankful that my husband fought at my side.

Husband. I rolled the word over my tongue. I could get used to it.

I wielded my twin daggers and lunged at my opponents. Ignoring my frown of displeasure, Elvey constantly shifted our positions, so he would always face the heavy traffic.

Adrian shifted to his black dragon, streams of fire pouring from his mouth at the demons, his sharp talons tearing into their stinky flesh.

The battle ended fast, with the demons’ corpses littering the stairs. My companions bore minor injuries.

We didn’t spare the corpses a second glance, instead rushing forward to the vast temple.

The slant-roofed structure seemed to have been built in a time when blood sacrifice had been common. Something unmistakably sinister leaked from its every brick and stone, as if souls were trapped inside and crying out in all forms of nightmares.

I could feel my fearless companions shuddering around me. They’d felt the same vibe from the tomb-like construction.

Elvey rubbed my arms where my tiny hairs all stood up. He kissed the top of my head. “I’m with you, my love.”

A trail of blue light dashed out from his palm and into the temple, pulsing in the dark and illuminating it for us.

Rosalinda stalked in, but Elvey warned her. “I’ll enter first. My wife will be positioned in the middle.” He gave the black dragon a look. “You’ll stay at the entrance and stand guard.”

The dragon lifted to the air and perched atop the roof. In his beast form, Adrian would be able to see far around us.

As Elvey moved to the front, I strode beside him. “Where you go, I go,” I said.

He hesitated for a heartbeat, then nodded. We might need to combine our magic again to fight the evil force ahead. Elvey was as protective as the dragon princes, but he also never held me back. He was as confident in me as he was in himself.

Together, we stepped cautiously into the lair, my magic probing ahead. I believed that Elvey was doing the same.

Rosalinda and Zembyr flanked us, their eyes darting around wildly, actively seeking hidden threats.

A demon lunged at us from a dark corner, but Zembyr was fast enough to grab the demon’s horn and jab his sword into its chest.

We prowled on again, following Elvey’s blue light.
