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“How dare you insult me?” I screeched, a wave of red rage spurring me on.

“Now you know how we felt when you pined for Elvey,” Blaze continued. “We want you to feel the same pain and humiliation.”

Elvey and Iokul kept crossing blades near the pond.

“So, this is your version of revenge?” I asked, icy rage dripping off every word.

“No, we found someone better,” Rai said. “We mistook you as the one true mate for us, but you aren’t her. You’ll never be able to give us what we’ve wanted for centuries—to get rid of the damned mask on our faces, but Queen Tianna can. She offered us an opening, because she’s the real deal. She’s more of a woman than you can ever be. Give it up already, Danaenyth.”

I’d thought I couldn’t bleed any deeper, that the pain they’d inflicted on me couldn’t get worse, but a thousand needles punctured my heart, and blood oozed in rivers from the wounds.

Tianna giggled like a little girl with her high-pitched, gleeful voice.

“You don’t know who the fuck you’ve associated yourselves with,” I said vehemently and venomously. “You don’t know to who you’ve given your loyalty and souls. You have no idea who she really is. No greater evil than this bitch has ever existed.”

I’d planned to tell them the truth about Tianna and what I’d seen in her temple, but Elvey had talked me out of it. I couldn’t reveal the truth to the princes while the Challenge was under way. There was no way around it. I had to keep the princes in the dark. And Elvey had made me promise not to violate the rules and fail him and the rest of our people.

“Daisy!” Elvey warned, his sword meeting Iokul’s again with a sharp clang, and then he kicked the ice dragon prince into the pond.

Water and dirt splashed all over us.

Rai and Blaze cursed Elvey and wiped at their masks, their icy, intense gazes still on me.

A cold smile coated Rai’s eyes. “You fucked him,” he said. “Was he worth it?”

“Bastards,” I said, swaying back.

If I stayed in their presence a second longer, I’d throw all the lethal magic I had and incinerate them.

Elvey was at my side in an instant. He grabbed my hand. “Let’s get out of here. This place fucking stinks.” He pulled me away with him and I leaned my weight on him, allowing him to drag me out of the Lotus Lounge.

He was my first mate and my last.

I’d lost my three other mates in the game of fate.

I had no idea how I’d gotten to our suite in the Red Palace. My mind was a blur after my confrontation with the dragon princes.

I must have looked like the dead. Rosalinda and Zembyr hadn’t asked anything but silently stood guard outside our chamber as if they felt my pain.

I curled into a ball on the bed, my mind unable to wrap around what had really gone down.

But I’d underestimated Tianna.

My immortal enemy was way more devious, powerful, and evil.

She couldn’t put me down, so she stole my princes away. A master at seduction, she used every trick she had cultivated for ages to seduce them, and they failed to see the rotten core of her glamoured beauty. She deceived them by offering what they wanted the most—being completely free of their curse and making them believe she was their one true mate.

No matter how I tried to win back my ex-consorts, she always had an effortless, counter move. And worse, even though my exes might see how evil she was, they still chose to stand by her.

Elvey pulled my back to his hard chest, holding me as I silently wept, his fingers circling my stomach in comfort. With him, I could be all raw emotion and vulnerability.

“Don’t lose hope, beloved,” he said quietly against my ear. “You’re still here aren’t you?”

I jerked to full awareness. Something chimed in me.

Elvey was right. Why was I still here instead of being reduced to Furies if my exes had betrayed me?

I probed inside me. My mating bond to the three dragon princes—though faint—still pulsed there.
