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“Instead of guarding me, you can share my bed,” Tianna said.

The fucking bitch was wearing nothing. Her big tits were taut with lust and her lady bits were dripping with arousal.

How disgusting! I clenched my fists, yet I wasn’t able to punch her to death.

Iokul gave her nudity an appreciative look. But I didn’t feel heat from him. The heat that he’d had for me had always burned through his ice.

“All three of you can share my bed,” Tianna added, swaying her hips.

Oh gods, I was going to puke.

Don’t do it, I begged in Iokul’s mind.Please, Iokul. You’re the last defense. You’re always a glacier of ice and steel. You’re the reason and logic. You don’t like touching anyone except me. Don’t touch the viper. Not for my sake, but for yours and your brothers’. She’ll consume you.

But Iokul couldn’t hear me. Or could he? I was in his head only. I was but an observer who couldn’t interfere.

“You won’t regret it,” Tianna said. “I’ll give you pleasure beyond this world, beyond your wildest fantasy, and the three of you will sate me like no other ever has or could.”

Iokul’s eyes flicked to his brothers’ sleeping forms. Rai and Blaze seemed to tense for a heartbeat, but they remained still.

Tianna moved to Iokul, rubbing herself against his armored body. A wave of nausea twisted my insides and moved up my throat. Iokul stepped back, sucking in a breath, which made me wonder if he was aroused or repulsed.

“We want this more than anything. You’re a sex goddess,” he said.

Oh really? Now I wanted to punch his teeth out, just so he would shut up.

“But we can’t share your bed, Tianna,” he continued. “Not yet. And you know that.”

Confusion and displeasure at being rejected danced in Tianna’s dark, horny eyes. “I know what?” she demanded.

“I thought you knew,” Iokul sighed as if pained. “We can’t fuck you because Danaenyth still grabs the other end of our mating bond and refuses to release us. It’s the same as how you once held captive the demigod. The bond won’t allow us to truly touch you until we break it. Danaenyth is nasty, possessive, and violent. But you know that already.”

“That little bitch! I’ll strangle her,” Tianna hissed.

“I want to do that more than you, believe me,” said Iokul. “My brothers and I want to be free of her more than anything. None of us can share your bed while we’re chained to her. Only you can help free us, Tianna. Just as you promised you’ll break our last piece of curse and remove this damn mask.”

“Cut off her head, and you’ll get rid of your mask.”

“The thing is, Tianna, we still won’t be able to fuck you. You don’t understand this mating bond. Even Danaenyth’s death won’t break it since our bond was forged in a blood ritual.”

But our mating bond hadn’t been forged that way. It had snapped alive when the three of them claimed me. There had never been a blood ritual, unlike what Elvey and I had gone through.

“Unless—” Iokul pondered.

“Unless what?” Tianna asked, her red lips parting in thick desire.

“Unless we can find the one woman who can truly replace her.”

“But you have the woman right in front of you,” Tianna said, her cat-like eyes growing predatory.

Iokul traced his bottom lip with his thumb, a trail of icy air streaming out of his mouth. I could tell that Tianna was most enthralled with the ice dragon among the three of them.

Her eyes glued to his sensual lips.

“You don’t trust us,” Iokul said. “That’s why our intimacy with you isn’t progressing as we desire. Until you trust us with your deepest secret, we’re going nowhere. Only your ultimate trust will break our mating bond to Daisy Danaenyth. We want to sever it more than anything, but the hybrid bitch is more relentless than we expected. She wants every man devoted to her, even though she’s fucking Elvey. She won’t let us go. Only you can defeat her and free us once and for all, so we can fuck you hoarse and sore. Give us your secret, and you won’t regret the carnal pleasure unlike anything the three of us will bring to you.”

I blinked in confusion. The mating bond was almost like a mythical thing. But I didn’t think our mating bond could prevent the dragon princes from cheating on me if they really wanted to. Iokul seemed to have it backwards. He could break the bond permanently by truly choosing another female.

Why was he twisting the truth?
