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He’d also teleported here, like us.

He had the same blue eyes as Elvey, only my mate’s were stormy and held the fallen stars. They also shared other similar features, including the same height. He wore a white shirt and trousers, a dagger strapped to the sheath of his hunting boots.

He clasped Elvey’s arm as Elvey grabbed his, and then they gave each other a manly hug. When they broke apart, glistening tears sparkled in the man’s eyes. The next second, his tears vanished.

“Daisy Danaenyth, Elvey’s mate, and the queen to both Sihde and Dragon Realm,” he said.

He didn’t bow to me, even though he’d acknowledged my rank.

I arched an eyebrow. “How is it fair that you know me, but I have no idea who you are?” I said good-naturedly. “But my husband’s friends always do well by me, if they behave.”

Elvey laughed. “It’s rude of me not to introduce you, love. This is my cousin, the light Fae king, His Majesty Finrod. You can just call him Finrod, as he’ll call you Daisy.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Cousin?”

Wasn’t Elvey half dark Fae?

I felt bad that I didn’t even know my husband’s true origins, but I’d never pried. I’d been waiting for him to tell me all about it.

Finrod chuckled. “Elvey’s mother and my father were siblings. He was never a dark Fae. The bastard fooled every dark Fae, though he couldn’t cover up his demigod heritage.”

My eyes flashed with anger. He’d also deceived me—his mate, his wife.

Elvey pulled me into his arms to charm me. “Forgive me, my love. I never meant to. There was never a good time to tell you.”

Though he had all the good time to fuck me all through the night.

“No more secrets from now on,” I said, my voice clipped.

He kissed me, and the kiss was so hot that I melted and forgave him on the spot. He always had a way with me. I sent him a chastising look, which warned him that I might not let him get his way next time.

Finrod cleared his throat twice. Elvey ignored him and gave me another full, hot kiss before breaking off and grinning. “I was kissing my wife,” he said.

“Never thought there would be a day you’d fall so hard for a woman,” Finrod said. Then he turned to me, giving my armor an appreciative look. “I hope my cousin didn’t bring you here to battle me. I don’t like fighting beautiful women. You’re the first dark Fae who ever stepped on my land since that bitch Tianna took the throne.”

“No dark Fae can enter your realm?” I asked.

“Not without my invitation, except for you,” Finrod said. “You’re Elvey’s mate and my sister-in-law.” His look turned dark, his jaw tightened, and his eyes flashed with cold rage. The former playful king was gone in an instant. “We warded our entrance with the strongest magic we could muster to stop Tianna’s invasion, but she still poisoned half of our hand.” He gestured at our surroundings. “Only this city remains uncorrupted.”

I nodded. I had felt the purity of this place when I’d landed with Elvey.

“Her pollution is still expanding,” Finrod continued. “If we don’t stop her, my realm will be wasteland at the end of this century.”

“Why didn’t you go to war against her?” I asked. “You have the light Fae army and magic.”

“Would you like some Fae tea or coffee?” Finrod asked. “We’ll continue the conversation at the table. Otherwise, I’ll never live it down if my demanding cousin calls me a bad host.”

I grinned. “My husband can be demanding at times. And before I try, what’s the difference between human coffee and Fae coffee?”

“You’ll see,” Elvey said with a lopsided smile, and my heart fluttered.

Finrod led us to a fancy café. We entered like it was no-man’s land and sat on the soft white chairs on the patio that faced the ocean. The endless sea was pure blue, like a liquid gem, and the waves lapping the golden beach were pure white.

This was paradise.

“Where is everyone?” I asked, looking around.

“I vacated this section for us,” King Finrod said. “And left only this café open. My elite guards will serve us. Elvey picked this location. He wanted you to see his favorite spot, and his suspicious and paranoid nature insisted that there might be some of Tianna’s spies even in my court.”

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