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Elvey dropped his glamour and glowed in glory. Two pairs of black wings whooshed out of his back and extended to full length. They were different than the dragon wings, but no less magnificent.

Pride swelled in my heart.

“Behold your king!” I said.

Tianna’s eyes bulged out, her extreme jealousy and madness whipping through the air. In all those centuries, she’d never seen his true power and his true form. If she’d seen, she would never have let him go. But then, if it weren’t for his desperation of finding me and the damned prophetic dream misleading him, she would never have been able to trick him into the blood bond in the first place.

“I’ve had enough of this batshit! That bastard always loves showing off!” Blaze spat out.

Elvey gave him a cold, taunting smirk and folded back his wings.

The whole court still gazed at him, mesmerized.

“Asshole number one,” Iokul murmured.

I ignored the immature dragons and turned my attention back to my court.

“Anything you want to report?”

Many of them stepped forward to reveal what they had seen and condemned Tianna for polluting the realm. The whole realm was sick, and my court wanted the usurper’s blood.

Tianna only laughed during the hearing, as if we’d just paid her a compliment.

“You do know when your hybrid abomination ‘queen’ goes down,” Tianna said, gesturing for her lady-in-waiting, a noble-born Fae, to come polish her nails, “which will be very soon, you all will be flushed down the toilet with her, don’t you?”

My court glared at her in rage, and I raised a hand to stop any of them from attacking her.

Tianna shook with laughter.

All of us—friends and enemies—were waiting for the final strike toward each other.


Rai the Storm Dragon

We—our three brothers—wanted our queen and mate more than anything. Every second we saw her, we wanted her. We longed to touch her, but we clenched our fists at our sides instead of going to her, so we could save her.

Every minute was pure fucking hell when we couldn’t be with her. Our blood boiled with unbearable angst, especially so when we peeked through our mating bond and saw her entangled with our rival in bed. We were jealous, but we had accepted the demigod. He was taking care of our mate for us.

We wanted to join them. We wanted to bury deep inside her as well. My cock grew so hard at the glimpse of Elvey fucking her. The bastard had the best end of the deal.

During this new ordeal, the bond between me and my brothers only became stronger, considering how we had fought and tried to eliminate each other for nearly a century.

Iokul sacrificed more than any of us. He took lead to play with the bitch queen, because he carried ice in his bloodstream and was better than us at deception and staying emotionless. He also wanted to spare us the trial as much as he could, like how he pretended to kiss Tianna and massage the slut with his new glamour magic, which he borrowed from Elvey.

Daisy didn’t know that Elvey had connected to us through our common mating bond. The demigod had more knowledge about how it worked and was taking full advantage of it, but we kept our mate in the dark on the other side.

She couldn’t know about it, and so she didn’t.

We’d had to go with Tianna. That was the only way to save Elvey—Daisy’s fourth mate—and prevent the curse to ever touch our true mate again.

Her love for us had turned to hate, and it burned white-hot, searing our souls to charred pieces.

How could we blame her, given how fucking cruel we had been toward her since the start of the Challenge? I’d backhanded her and thrown her to the ground in the throne room in front of everyone while Tianna’s coarse laughter pierced my ears. The utterly shocked and heartbreaking expression on my mate’s face had been like a blade twisting in my heart.

Yet I couldn’t back down. We had to keep hurting her in front of Tianna. I could see that something in her died every time she suffered our brutality. We had slandered her with vicious words and threatened her very life.

All that we had done haunted us like unending nightmares, but we had to live through it every minute, so in the end our mate would come out unharmed and victorious.
