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I’d hurt Rai, Blaze, and Iokul badly in court. I’d been impressed that I could still hurt them, partly because of their male pride. I’d been merciless at rubbing salt on their wounds, letting them know blatantly that I’d been more than glad to let them go and that I’d chosen Elvey over them.

They’d hurt me worse. I’d thought hurting them would offer me some satisfaction, but it only brought me empty aching and hollowness.

When I curled in Elvey’s warm arms in deep night, my fingers in his thick lavender hair, I felt a spark on the other side of my mating bond, like the last ember of burning coal.

I grabbed at it before it shut down.

I shouldn’t be obsessed with my exes, who were set to destroy me, yet I couldn’t resist spying on them. On a few occasions, I’d tried to use my bonding magic to slip into their heads, but somehow, they’d all learned how to shove me out with a brutal, vengeful force.

How could that be? It was like someone had been mentoring them.

The scene suddenly wheeled and changed, and I wasn’t clinging to Elvey anymore. I was with my evil aunt in her vast, red bed.

I sat at the foot of the bed, looking down at the bitch’s naked thighs. Blaze and Rai perched on either side of her, staring at her nude body.

Their masks blocked their facial expressions, but there was heat in their eyes.

Immediately, I knew I was in Iokul’s head again. Somehow it was easier for me to slide into his head than into Rai’s or Blaze’s. Iokul was more reserved among his brothers, but he was also the most open when it came to accepting change.

A wave of nausea flooded my stomach at the unpleasant scent coming from Tianna’s open legs. I steadied myself, wondering if the nausea came from me or from Iokul. I somehow sensed turmoil in him.

Stirring in his dream, Elvey drew me tighter against his chest, pulling me out to now and here. I remained motionlessly, not wanting to awake him.

As soon as he settled, I dove through the mating bond again and latched on in Iokul’s head.

“I’m tired of this game,” Rai said. “It’s time to end it. Time to end that little bitch.”

I was that little bitch he referred to. I swallowed the bile at the back of my parched throat. I couldn’t bear to continue to watch, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away, either.

“We don’t want to see her pathetic face in your court again.” Blaze spat. “The sight of her sickens me. Really sickens me.”

“She wounded you, didn’t she?” Tianna studied them with cruel interest. “She displayed her man whore like he was some godsend.”

“No more than we wounded her.” A cold laugh flew out of Iokul’s mouth. “Have you seen the way she’s looked ever since we dumped her?”

“Her eyes have been puffy and bloodshot,” Rai said with a smug smirk. “She must be weeping every night. She can’t even hide it. How pathetic! Worthless little slut.”

I clenched my fists, trembling with heartache and rage.

Blaze shook his head in disgust. “How did we even pick her as our mate in the first place?”

“We were deceived,” Rai said. “We thought she was the one. We thought she could give us the Dragon Realm and break our curses. And she kept wiggling her ass and tits to keep us in her black spider’s web.”

Fury coursed through my veins. I’d never done the things they accused me of. I’d never wanted to ensnare them. They’d always had their free will and could walk away from me at any time. In the end, they’d done just that. As for wiggling my ass, it was always because they’d started it. How twisted they’d become.

I bit my inner cheek until I tasted the metallic tang of blood.

Keep stabbing me in the back, assholes. Your end won’t be pretty if you stick with the foul demon bitch. Eventually, she’ll be fed up with you, swallow your souls, and chew out your bones!

“You want to do this or not, Tianna?” Rai said. “Let’s end that nasty, controlling little twig tonight before she even knows what shit hit her, and before her insufferable male whore finishes fucking her.”

They were quite clumsy and corny at name-calling, these dragons!

Tianna’s eyes grew intense, black light swirling in them, then they glazed over with unbridled lust when Blaze’s hands roughly cupped her breasts.

I’d prepared myself for this, yet it still felt like a hot iron poker impaling my heart.
