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Elvey must have briefed him. He seemed to be able to talk to his cousin telepathically as well. That was one of the reasons that Finrod hadn’t rushed into the temple to free his betrothed but had waited for us to arrive. It had taken sheer will and great discipline for the light Fae king to do that.

“Light Fae King Finrod, how delightful it is to see you,” Tianna giggled. “You’re going to die here today, and I’ll harvest your soul just like I’m using and draining your lovely Nerida. She’s been here for centuries, trapped in a coffin, and you had no idea I took her.”

Finrod roared and threw up his hand, an ivory light tearing through the air and blasting toward Tianna and her demons. Her demon ride tumbled down at the force, but Tianna landed without a scratch. She tossed a wind of smoke at Finrod, but it bounced off the White Light shield I’d cast on all my companions.

A large group of demons moved in and charged us.

The light Fae warriors met them with blades.

“Go!” Finrod said. “Free my future queen!”

Elvey led us down the last stairs and into the vast underground chamber.

As we ran, Elvey let his magic roll, and it disarmed the ward around the black crystal vessel that contained the living black heart.

The air crackled like a slashing whip, and the ward dropped.

Iokul threw his ice current out and tossed away the lid.

My dragon mates stared at the dark heart pulsing inside, their eyes widening in horror as they traced the hundreds of stretching veins from the heart to the beings encased in the standing glass coffins lined against the walls.

“Holy shit!” Blaze said. “That bitch did all this to them?”

“She’s using their souls as batteries to power her up through the heart,” Elvey said.

“Let’s cut the black heart and destroy it now,” Iokul snarled, his ice spears floating in the air, ready to impale the heart. “The usurper revealed that when we kill the black heart, we can kill her. Let’s end the depraved bitch once and for all!”

An inhuman, demonic laugh rose from behind us.

Tianna levitated at the entrance, smoke and purple light twirling around her with the festering scent of death. They sailed toward us like thousands of arrows. I threw up my hands, and at the same time, all my mates tossed their magic at her—lightning, fire, ice, and blue light. But our magic all crashed at the onslaught of her enhanced purple light.

Her power was the most potent when she was near the black heart.

The foul force sent us flying away from the black heart and pinned us against the glass coffins where the prisoners writhed inside.

The smoke hovered over us, hissing, ready to invade us.

Cold fear iced over my blood. If the smoke got into us, it’d be the end of us all.

We’d come so close. We’d gained the secret to kill Tianna, but in the depths of her lair, she was unbelievably powerful and unmatchable, with her prevailing dark Fae and demonic magic.

I’d underestimated her.

I sent another shot of White Light to shield my mates and me in desperation, but Tianna’s purple light grew even stronger at my resistance. It kept tearing open my walls.

Cold sweat formed under my armpits. I was nearly spent while Tianna simply recharged her power.

Elvey, Rai, Blaze, and Iokul struggled to break free of the dark power to reach me. They called my name in fear and panic.

“I’m okay,” I croaked, trying to comfort them with a lie.

Ivory light rippled toward Tianna from her back, breaking her concentration. At the same time, Finrod flung his dagger at her.

Two demons lunged at Finrod from behind. Before I had a chance to shout a warning, Finrod thrust his longsword backward without looking, his blade burying into the demon’s chest. Another Fae warrior appeared and stalked the other demon.

Tianna turned from us and threw her purple light at Finrod with demonic hisses. It smashed into Finrod’s ivory light and broke the Fae king’s magic.

Finrod collapsed to the ground, the purple light trapping him in its net, and smoke hovering above him.
