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As the spear sank to the bottom of the black heart, carrying the full force of our power and wrath, brilliant light erupted, brightening the entire chamber. Tianna covered her eyes with her hands and shrieked.

My White Light pushed toward Finrod and his infected Fae warriors, purging the smoke in them. The light Fae king dropped to one knee, gasping as he resurfaced from the black abyss, and raised his head to stare at us. Awe and delight sparked in his star-blue eyes that were so much like Elvey’s.

The black heart gave a lastblood-curdling screech, and those who had fallen from the glass coffins whimpered, too weak to cover their ears to protect themselves from the hellish shrieks.

Silence fell on the chamber after the horrific scream, then theblack heart spewed black lava. Along with it, souls, in the forms of glowing orbs, drifted out of the abyss of the open black heart.

Tens of thousands of them filled the space like a horde of fireflies.

They flew toward me, halting outside my shield as they recognized my mates and me as the ones who freed them. I could feel their gratitude singing in the air.

“Go,” I shouted. “You’re free. Go in peace.”

They were free, but I doubted if they would ever truly find peace after what they had endured. I prayed that they would.

The glowing souls flew toward the ceiling, piercing through it, vanishing in the wind of light.

Tianna freed herself and fled toward the stairs while we were distracted by the army of souls.

In a flash, Elvey reached her. He grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up, his lips twisting up into a cold, cruel smile.

She thrashed against him, her cursing and screaming stuck in her throat. She tried to throw her foul magic at him in a final attempt, but Elvey pinned her right there.

“Hello, Tianna,” he purred. “Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?”

I wanted to tear her throat out, but I’d let my mate have his sweet revenge first.

“We beat you, utterly and absolutely,” Elvey continued. “Like the ugly fool you are. And now you die.”

“Please, don’t,” Tianna begged. “I have something you want. I have another secret that concerns you—”

“I don’t care, you miserable bitch,” Elvey said mercilessly. “I’ve wanted to kill you for every second of the day for centuries. Thanks to my beloved mate who made it happen.” His free hand thrust toward her chest to yank out her heart.

A shadow shifting between shape and shapeless cut in between Elvey and Tianna.

What the fuck?

It was my old scary pal Phantom from Pandemonium. Had he also gone through the portal to our world with the army of my monsters? And what was he doing here?

It was bad news he was here!

“No!” Phantom said.

Elvey snapped his head at the true creature of nightmare.

“We had a deal, demigod,” Phantom said.

Elvey gave him a long look, then he smiled. “The scavenger of the living and the dead, her foul body and soul are yours.”

Phantom’s shadow form rippled, and the nightmare smiled.

Chills sliced up my spine.

“The evil and darkness of the two entities inside her will be the most delicious breakfast,” Phantom said, pondering. “I think they can be dinner, too. I usually skip lunch.”

Tianna screamed in terror. I had never seen her so scared. Her face distorted into a grotesque shape, the bones rearranging. A screech caught in her throat just as another being tore through her. The demon king inside her emerged and shed the former dark Fae queen’s skin like the Fae vessel was nothing but dirty clothes.

That was her end of the bargain with a powerful demon.
