Page 6 of Truth or Dare

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“Evan,” Eli shrieked as he came bounding into the house. “You’re home.”

I caught him midleap and hugged him to me. “It’s good to see you, buddy.”

“Mom said we can go and get ice cream after dinner if I eat all my vegitables.”

“She did, huh?”

Mom had obviously forgotten she had a shift at the store. She wouldn’t be home until eight thirty, and Eli’s bedtime was seven thirty.

“Yeah. She said I can have anyfink I want, so I’m getting the mint and the cookie dough.”

“Mint and cookie dough? Wow.” I patted his head and wrestled him off my lap and onto the couch. “Was he okay at pre-K?” I asked Mellie.

“He was fine. I picked him up, and we made pizza.”

“Pizza? Yum. I hope you saved me some?”

Eli’s cheeks turned the color of beets. “Umm, Mr. Stompy ate it.”

“Mr. Stompy?”

Mellie laughed gently, mouthing, “His latest favorite.”

“Okay. Well, what do you say to Mellie?”

“Thank you, Mellie.”

“Thanks,” I mouthed.

I didn’t know what we would do without her. She waved and let herself out. Eli switched on the television and snuggled into my side. “Can we go and see Becca again soon?”

I stifled a groan. He’d asked the same question almost every day since we’d last seen her. “I don’t know about that, buddy. Remember I told you Becca and I had a fight?”

“Yeah, I know, but you said sorry, wight? So now she should be your friend again?”

“I tried, but I think it’s going to take more than just an apology.”

“Ooh, I know! You could buy her flowers. They always make Mellie happy.”

Somehow, I suspected flowers weren’t going to cut it either.

“Or you could buy her a football. She liked playing football with me.” He turned to me with mischief sparkling in his eyes. “Hey, I could invite her to the park again. I bet she’d like to plays with me and then she’d have to forgives you because I can’t go alone.”

I smiled. He was so innocent. I didn’t have the heart to burst his bubble. “Maybe, buddy, maybe.”

“Awesomes. Will Mom be home soon? I want ice cream.”

I ruffled his hair and stood. “Mom left a note. She’s really sorry, but she got called into work.”

Disappointment flashed in his eyes, and I hated her for doing this to him. He didn’t deserve it. I’d learned to accept Mom’s faults a long time ago, but Eli was just a baby. He didn’t understand.

“But she promised.” His bottom lip quivered.

“She left ten dollars, though, just for you.”

“She did?” The disappointment ebbed away and was replaced with excitement.

“Yeah, and she said to get the biggest sundae they have.”
