Page 90 of Truth or Dare

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I closed my eyes, going over everything again.Jay and Lilly. Scarlett. Becca. Flowers.My eyes flew open.


Why hadn’t I put two and two together before? Probably because I was too busy trying to balance all the spinning plates in my own life.

My cell bleeped, and I copied Lilly’s number.Pick up, pick up.


“Lilly, it’s Evan,” I rushed out.


“Is Becca with you?”

“Becca? No, I haven’t seen her since this morning. Why? What’s happened?”

“Nothing. I have to go.” I hung up.

I hadn’t really expected for Becca to be with her, but I needed to hear it with my own ears. It all made perfect sense. Someone was going after them and picking them off, one by one.

And I knew the person crazy enough to do it.

* * *

“Evan?” Elaina smiled, failing to hide the surprise on her face. I didn’t stop by for social visits. Ever.

“Hey, is Kendall here?”

“She’s in her room. Is everything okay?”

“I… uh, I need to talk to her about some schoolwork.” It was as good a lie as any.

“Sure. Come in, sweetie.” Her saccharine sweet voice grated on me. “Go straight up.”

Adrenaline pumped through me, and my hands slicked against my jeans. It all pointed to Kendall. But one thing didn’t quite add up—why go after Lilly and Scarlett? They’d had beef in the past, sure, but this seemed out of character even for her brand of crazy.

I didn’t bother knocking, walking straight into her room.

“Evan?” She sat up straight, tugging the buds out of her ears. “What the hell?”

“What did you do?”

“I… I didn’t… you don’t understand.” Her head bowed, and something pricked again. Kendall didn’t shy away from confrontation; she thrived on it. Lived for it. What the hell wasn’t I seeing here?

“We had a deal,” I ground out, barely in control. “You stay away from Becca, and I keep my mouth shut.”

Her eyes met mine, widening to saucers. “Shh, you can’t say that shit in here. Dad is downstairs.”

“You’d better start talking, or maybe me and Darryl will have a little talk.”

Kendall sighed, but it wasn’t out of frustration or irritation. It was a small sound filled with vulnerability. She sounded defeated, and I didn’t get it. What was going on?

“It was supposed to be a game.”

“A game?”

“Shake her up a little, scare her.” She tugged at the coverlet underneath her. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she seemed nervous. But that was impossible. Kendall O’Hare didn’t get nervous.
