Page 8 of Little Hearts

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“It was nothing.” Nick looked extremely uncomfortable by Summer’s praise and brushed off what he’d done like it was nothing. “Anyone would have done the same thing.”

“It wasn't nothing,” Aggie contradicted. Her eyes were growing heavy, but she was fighting to keep them open because she didn’t want to sleep just yet. The feel of her attacker’s hands around her neck, squeezing the life out of her, was still too fresh. “You are a hero.Myhero.”

“That’s sweet, Aggie, but really, you shouldn’t put me up on a pedestal. I don’t deserve it.” Nick’s eyes had grown shadowed. “I’d better be going. You should get some rest. Are you staying here tonight?” he asked Summer.

“Of course.” Summer nodded. “Aggie shouldn’t be alone after what happened.”

“You're leaving?” Panic had her setting down the cup of tea, pushing the blanket aside, and sitting up.

“You need sleep,” Nick said again.

“I don’t want sleep.” Her fear was growing, raging inside her like a brewing storm. “I want you. I thought you were going to stay for coffee.”She worried fleetingly that she was being needy and no guy liked a needy woman. And why was she obsessing over this guy anyway when she'd just been snatched away from the jaws of death? Probably because it was him who'd done the snatching, and besides, this was her MO, find a guy she liked and obsess over it until things fell apart then vow she’d be smarter next time around.

“Relax.” He sat beside her and took both of her hands in his, his thumbs brushing across her knuckles. “Really, relax. You're fine, just calm down. I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but it’s time for you to go to bed. Let’s take a rain check, dinner tomorrow, how does that sound?”

“Perfect.” Aggie sagged back against the couch cushions, she felt like her mind was about to hit a brick wall. Tonight’s ordeal had been traumatic, it would leave scars, deep scars that had nothing to do with the cuts on her cheek, but maybe, just maybe, it had also given her the one thing she had been frantically searching for her entire adult life. If she wanted things to develop between her and Nick, she would have to stop with the neediness and play it cool.

Aggie hoped she could do it.

* * * * *

6:28 A.M.

He was waiting impatiently for Miller to arrive.

Nick wasnotin a good mood.

And he didn’t really think he could blame it on the no sleep. Although he was sure that was a factor. He’d got Aggie settled in bed before leaving her in the care of her friend Summer Height. He was glad her friend was going to spend the night with her because he didn’t think that Aggie should be alone after what she’d been through, so he would have felt compelled to stay with her, and that was a bad idea. Averybad idea.

He checked his watch for what felt like the millionth time. Where was Miller?

After leaving Aggie’s place, he’d come right here, ordered some breakfast, of which he had eaten not a bite, then just sat here in his car, brooding.

Was he having second thoughts? No, not really.

Regrets? Not regrets as such, but he felt a little … uneasy that Aggie had been hurt, that she would be hurt even worse before this was over.

A sharp rap on his window had him jumping a mile and reaching for his gun, then growling in irritation when he saw who it was. “You couldn’t have said something?”

Miller shrugged disinterestedly. “I assumed you saw me coming. I need coffee, let’s go inside.”

Without waiting for a response, Miller headed for the café. The lure of coffee proved to be too great, and Nick hopped out of the car and followed his partner inside, annoyed they didn’t have a lot of time, and it wasn't wise for them to be spotted together right now, anonymity was what they needed.

“So, is everything all set up?” he asked as he joined Miller at a table.

“I took care of my part, the rest is up to you.”

“Everything went smoothly?”

Huffing out a disgusted snort. “Of course it did. I'm not an amateur.”

No, they were definitely not amateurs. Maybe if they were, this would be a little bit easier. For some strange reason, he was having a hard time with this one. There was something about Aggie that was niggling at him.

Miller’s brown eyes crinkled inquisitively. “Are you still sure you want to go through with this?”

“Why would you ask me that?”

“Your enthusiasm has dropped dramatically in the last twenty-four hours. Ever since you met Agape Candella. It seems to me like you're getting a little attached to her. Are you attracted to her?”
