Page 81 of Eden

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When she pulled back, Bethenny noted her eyes were wet. “I just saw him. Jim told me everything,” she said, her voice cracking. “I had no idea. I’m so sorry he did this. I can’t believe it.” She hastily wiped a tear from her cheek.

“Don’t apologize for him,” Lachlan insisted. “You don’t need to do that.”

She nodded but didn’t look convinced.

She looked to Bethenny. “I’m so sorry to intrude, but I wanted to thank you personally. I know this is not really the place, but I need to get home to my children, and I only have a few minutes before I need to head to the airport. Mitch told me you wouldn’t mind—don’t be mad at him for that.”

Bethenny chuckled softly. “I don’t mind. It’s nice to meet you, Diana.”

She nodded as she walked toward Bethenny’s bed.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, her eyes tainted with a hint of guilt. It was her husband who had shot her.

“I’ll be fine. It’s just a flesh wound,” she said.

Diana nodded and Bethenny knew this must be hard for her. The man she loved, the man she thought she knew, didn’t really exist. She had children with him. How was she going to explain this to them? She had her own grief to deal with now.

“I hate what happened, but I’m relieved to know what happened to Eden. Every morning since she passed, it has been the first thing on my mind. Maybe now I can wake up with a more positive attitude,” she said with a sad smile, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “Thank you for giving us that closure,” she said, then looked to Lachlan. “Thank you, both of you.” Bethenny couldn’t see Diana’s eyes, but she thought something unspoken passed between them in that moment.

She looked back to Bethenny and leaned in slightly, speaking quietly. “Take care of him. He’s a good guy.” She straightened and took Bethenny’s hand. “I need to get going. I hope we meet again one day.”

Bethenny smiled. “I hope so. Take care of yourself—I know this can’t be easy.”

Diana’s eyes welled again and she nodded before turning to Lachlan. She hugged him goodbye, hanging onto him for a long moment. She said something quietly to him and then left the room.

Lachlan closed the door after her, then came back and sat on the edge of the bed. Bethenny didn’t ask him what Diana said; it was none of her business.

“I thought for a second I was seeing Eden’s ghost when she walked in,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Same. I knew who she was straight away from the photographs in Eden’s case file. She has a rough time ahead of her,” Bethenny said.

Lachlan nodded. “This time I’m going to be there for her—I’ll make sure she knows she can call me anytime.”

Bethenny’s heart warmed. “I’m sure she’ll appreciate that.”

As she looked into his eyes, she knew his heart would heal. It would take time, but God performed miracles every day... if only we’d open our eyes to see them.

Thank you, Lord.
