Page 17 of His Lady

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Once again, he confused her. She scowled. “Well, it’s going to be because I’m exhausted of these half-answers and all the secretive tip-toeing around that you have been doing. I want to know right now.”

He leaned forward in his seat, resting his arms on his knees. “Regina, I beg you, not here,” he repeated.

She wasn’t certain if she liked the way her heart raced with excitement when he called her by her given name without her permission or that she had made him beg. To think she had caused a man to act in such a manner was quite liberating. However, whether it was liberating or not, perhaps it was permissible not to be so formal with each other’s names at this moment.

Folding her arms, she lifted her chin. “Well, I’m not going to relent until you give me an answer that I’m pleased with. You are confusing me, and I don’t like it one bit.”

“Regina, keep your voice down.” He glanced out the window near the vehicle’s door again.

“Why?” she huffed. “Nobody can hear us. They cannot even see us. If you remember correctly, people who are inside this style of coach can be hidden quite well.”

Abruptly, he moved to her side of the seat. He brought his hand up to her mouth and covered it as his other hand moved around her shoulders to keep her still. Warmth spread over her, making her heart flutter. His masculine scent of musk wafted around her – a smell she remembered from last night. Her heart pounded frantically. Being this close wasnotgood. How could she control the images from last night from rushing to her head? Impossible!

“Please,” he whispered huskily, his green eyes pleading, “don’t say another word. Not here.”

Mesmerized by his nearness, she nodded. The panic in his eyes made her confused again, but she obeyed. His hand left her mouth, but he still stayed near. Suddenly, the arm around her shoulders didn’t feel like a steel band any longer. Instead, it drew her closer as his gaze dropped to her mouth. Without being able to help it, she licked her lips in anticipation.

She waited for him to kiss her, but he acted as if all he wanted to do was stare at her mouth. She swallowed hard. “Wayne? Why are you being so secretive?” she whispered.

He shook his head. “Now isn’t the time for answers,” he said softly.

“When will be the right time? I’m so confused.”

His gaze moved slowly over her face as if memorizing her every feature. By his soft expression, she realized he was pleased with what he saw. Her stomach fluttered, and her heartbeat wouldn’t stop thumping.

“I promise to tell you, but not here. Will you meet me someplace tonight where we can be alone?”

Alone?She didn’t know whether she wanted to be alone with him or not, yet she did want answers. “Absolutely not.” She inhaled quickly. “Why would I jump in the fire when I barely escaped getting burned last night?” She lifted her chin in defiance. “If anyone saw me leaving your coach, the scandal would surround us. I’m not about to tempt fate again.”

“Yes, I understand. However, this is something we need to discuss. What happened last night not only affected you but me as well.”

Gritting her teeth, she held her breath. She couldn’t possibly do as he suggested. But, she needed answers. “If I agree, do you have a place in mind?”

“I don’t know yet.”

Their rendezvous point would have to be away from the curious and judgmental eyes of theton.She gave him a shrug. “Well, until you can, I won’t commit to meeting you. This is most scandalous, you know.”

“Only if we are caught.” Wayne paused. “How about meeting me at my father’s jewelry store? It will be closed, and it is out of the way of curious eyes. We won’t be bothered, I assure you.”

She wished she wasn’t so weak around him. Meeting him in secret was improper, and if they were caught... Not only would her name be pulled through the mud, but Jane’s as well. “Where is the store?”

“It’s by Murdock’s Bank on twenty-first street.”

“I know the one.”

Wayne didn’t move away, and she realized that she didn’t want him to. She enjoyed the way her heartbeat quickened when he looked at her, and especially the way he studied her lips. Images of what she had remembered from the night before flashed through her mind, and she suddenly wanted to kiss him again. She wanted the comfort of his muscular arms around her, holding her close.

“How about nine o’clock? It will be dark by then, and we won’t be recognized easily,” he asked.

Her mind still fought his suggestion. What if they were seen together? On the other hand, there were ways to disguise herself as not to be noticed. She sighed in defeat. “Fine, I’ll meet you at nine.”

Time passed slowly, and he remained so close she could feel his breath against her face. Dare she say she could hear the rhythm of his heartbeat? If she pressed her palm to his chest, she was certain she would feel the erratic beat. Perhaps, if she leaned into him a little, he might bend his head down to hers, and...

Harold’s voice instructing the driver to take them home jerked Regina out of the moment. Wayne must have heard because he bounced to the other seat so fast, she wondered if she had dreamed of him being next to him.

The earl climbed into the coach and sat next to Regina. She tried to regulate her racing breaths and was grateful that he decided to talk to Wayne and not her. However, even he seemed to have difficulty speaking, as if it took him longer to form the words.

What is wrong with me?Why couldn’t she resist him? Knowing that he was her friend’s fiancé certainly didn’t help matters, especially when all she could think about was the exciting tingles shooting through her body.
