Page 14 of Gift of Hope

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I’m being walked to my room by this chivalrous man while I scold him about coming back to the center. “I don’t see why you can’t have the best of both worlds. Hire a vice president, another secretary, or anyone who can allow you time to practice again. You’ll get that excitement back.” An idea hits me like a lightning rod. “I know,” I yell overenthusiastically. “Hire Josey to help in the office. Keep the business running in the family. She was telling me only the other day how she wanted to ask you for a job here.” By the time I’ve finished talking, we’re at my door and I’m out of breath.

“Boy, that was a mouthful,” Harvey snickers. “You raised some valid arguments there, but I will have to think about it. If I’m going to hand over responsibility,if, then I need time. But thank you, you stunning woman, for those suggestions.” He leans in and kisses my cheek, then rests his forehead against mine. A gesture he seems to do frequently with me.

I’m dreading saying goodbye tonight, and I hate that we have to.

“Come to the mid-winter dinner with me.”

I pull my head back, giddy with Harvey’s nearness. “Are you asking me or being bossy again by telling me?”

“Do you like bossy?” he asks with a glint in his eye.

I shake my head and laugh. “You’re hard work, you know that?” I know I’m going to say yes, but I drag out my answer to make him squirm.

“I’ll take your silence as a yes, Evelyn.” I can’t believe this man. He’s literally giving me no choice; not that I’m complaining—much.

“I need you to know that I was going to say this before you gave me no choice. Yes, I’d be delighted to be your date. I’ll do you one better than that, though. I’m going to ask Mrs. M to advance my therapy. I want to work with Preston’s team and the horses. Of course, I need Asher with me, too.”

I’m off the floor and in Harvey’s arms before I can bat an eyelid. His touch is one not of friends, but more… so much more. I’m wrapped up in the man, in a literal and figurative sense. My heart flutters whenever we touch. My brain loses all oxygen with his intoxicating words. All I want is to be consumed by his presence, and it’s only been two days. I guess it comes down to the individual, some or a lot would be wary, but miracles can happen.

“You make me happy, Eve. So damn happy.” I crave his lips against mine. This would be another perfect time, but instead, he places another lingering kiss on my cheek. “You, beautiful, are good for this man’s soul. Unfortunately for us, I must get home. I have a busy day tomorrow and it requires lots of rest. Before I leave, will you be alright getting yourself settled?” His kindness shows no bounds.

“I’ll be fine. I suppose you’re right. I could also use a decent night’s sleep.” I wait for a pause. “When can we do this again?” I eagerly ask.

“Not soon enough.”

“I look forward to it.” With one final, yet reluctant, goodbye, I move inside and close my door behind me; wishing I could slide down the length of it until my ass hits the floor.

One thing I learned today was it doesn’t matter how long you’ve known a person to conclude they’re the one. When you know, you know.

My only concern is for when I leave the center free from injury, that I don’t leave with a broken heart instead, because there is no way I’ll be able to heal from that.

Chapter Ten


I’m standing in my room, looking through my clothes when Josey bangs through my door like her ass is on fire. “You have to come with me, now!” she yells breathlessly.

“Where’s the fire, what’s happening?” I’m highly concerned now, but she won’t tell me a thing other than ‘come with me, hurry’.

“Alright, alright, I’m coming. Where are we going?” I ask again.

“Don’t worry your pretty face about that. We have to hurry… up…” She emphasizes.

I’m walking on the verge of caution here. Josey contradicts herself every time she opens her mouth. This to me seems more like her way of pulling the wool over my eyes. But why?

I limp over to my walker, getting myself organized to leave while she keeps yelling at me.

We make our way to the garden, but instead of taking the courtyard door, we take the door a few feet past it that leads to the back of the center. I’ve never been out here, so I take some time to look around as we make our way down a pebbled pathway.

“Where does this lead?” I ask, still eyeing the gorgeous area. There’s a field of grass to the right and some beautifully manicured bushes with crisp white flowers on them.

“It’s not far away. But we don’t have much time, so for the last time, get moving, woman.” I’m starting to become irritated with her rushing me, and now her addressing me that way. I’m about to mention my distaste for the way she’s speaking to me when a beautiful building appears off in the short distance.

“What is that place, is that the barn?” I ask in awe. I’ve never seen the stables or barn because they’re to the west of the property and hidden behind the center; in the complete opposite direction to Harvey’s house.

“These are the stables, and this is where we attend riding therapy.”

“That’s where we’re going? Riding? I only handed my application to Mrs. M this morning. I didn’t think it’d happen this quickly. I…”
