Page 32 of Gift of Hope

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“You too, Asher baby,” I say lovingly to my favorite little guy.



Three years later

After announcing my departure from dance, I had a flood of journalists following me for weeks. I moved to Thousand Oaks to be with Harvey and my parents completely shut me out, after Mom used every threat just to get me to change my mind.

Mini eventually left her job to start up her own PR company. We still talk all the time, that is if she’s not out here. She loves it so much that she started helping Josey with the foundation. It’s continuously growing with the two of their ever-evolving ideas.

Josey and Preston’s relationship became serious not long after I moved back, they’d moved in together and then married on the farm a year and a half ago. Now Harvey and me are expecting a beautiful niece. Tag also got a sibling; they brought home another retriever pup and named him Snow.

Preston worked the hardest with Josey’s recovery. She still has days that are hard on her, but overall, she’s got full mobility of her legs back.

Josey and Mini played a momentous part in reuniting Harvey and me. It turns out they were in cahoots organizing the whole thing.

I was never mad though.

It brought us together.

Life with Harvey is more than I could ever ask for. He’s been supportive and by my side at every step.

It took a little over two years to graduate. It wasn’t an easy road but I put in the hard yards, that’s for sure.

When we realized it wasn’t that far to travel, I sold my apartment and moved to be with Harvey.

I loved watching the progress of the new studio while being built. It turns out it was Josey who made my second dream come true. She used theFureverFoundation to help fund this new department.

When she took over her parent’s legacy, she found ledgers filled with her mom’s dreams. In one were the plans for a dance movement therapy unit. A unit we now have and it’s a big success, much like the rest of the center. Josey declared it theHope Dance Movement TherapyDepartment, in honor of both her parents and me.

I was, and still am, honored.

Since taking the department over, I’ve helped people of all disabilities—women, men, children—find their way. It’s rewarding and I often get carried away while forming new programs, that most days Harvey or Asher come to find me, like right now.

“Good evening, beautiful. How was your day?” I relax into him as he holds me close.

“It was good. I had Millie this afternoon. You should have seen her; it was the most rewarding session. Then I had a group session with the special needs children. I honestly can’t get enough of their happy faces. To see them enjoying themselves and laughing is reward enough.”

“That sounds like a progressive day to me. Are you ready to come home with me?”

“Always with you.” I look longingly into his eyes, smiling up at him.

When I first wheeled through the doors of the FORT Center, I never imagined I’d work as hard as I did to get to where I am. I never envisaged finding a family who cares this deeply for me. They treat me better than my own flesh and blood ever did.

If someone were to tell me, four years ago I’d be in the position I am now with my career, I’d have laughed in their face.

The night I got T-boned changed everything and now that I’m living a life worth something, with a man who treats me like royalty, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Most importantly, and the shining star of my life, is little Asher. If it wasn’t for him, I’d have given up.

Without him, I wouldn’t be Dr. Evelyn Jackson BC-DMT.

With his help, I know where I belong.

