Page 2 of Daddy Billionaire

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No way.

“No way,” Ava echoed my thoughts. “That’s my dog’s name. Kind of.”

I crouched down with them, unable to stop myself from wanting to be part of the group. “Sorry,” I said over the kids’ heads. “Her dog is imaginary.”

“It’s not imaginary,” Ava said, gearing up to tantrum mode. “Daddy just won’t let me get her yet.”

“Imaginary dogs are pretty cool,” the woman said, clicking her fingers. The dog sat, its tongue lolling out. “You can pet him now.”

Both their hands jutted out, raking over the wiry fur. Ava was so enamored, she started to squeeze him again, and once again, the woman carefully disentangled her grip. Ava’s lip went out.

“He’s very small, so you have to use your softest touch,” the woman explained. She took Ava’s hand and rested it on the dog’s back. “See?”

“Okay,” Ava said, mimicking the woman’s quiet voice.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She wasn’t just gorgeous, she had a way with kids. I surreptitiously checked her left hand. No ring.Guilt.Since when did I care about strange women’s marital status? Since right now, apparently, because despite the stab of guilt, I was glad her hand was bare.

“I’m Will,” I said. “Will Crenshaw.” I didn’t normally throw my last name around, and I didn’t usually eagerly wait for the person I was trying to impress to recognize it. When she clearly didn’t know me from Adam, I felt disappointed, then stupid. Then she smiled at me, and I just felt lost. Her eyes were a deep green with flecks of gold, surrounded by long, inky lashes. They also looked infinitely tired and I got a wash of unprecedented concern.

“Bailey,” she said. “And you already know Freddy.”

Trying to hide my distaste, I held out my hand for Freddy to sniff. I figured I’d have to stand up and drag my kids away soon but didn’t want to yet. I wanted to know more than just her name. Harrison plopped down cross-legged and patted his lap, his eyes lighting up when the mongrel went to him. Ava sat beside him and leaned over, letting it lick her face. Okay, they were happy, so I’d just stay for a few more minutes. Bailey sat down as well and rubbed her forehead, looking grateful to be off her feet. It was only about nine in the morning, maybe she was a shift worker of some sort to be so tired.

“Hey Bailey,” Harrison said. “You’re a grown up, right?”

“Most of the time,” she said, giving me a conspiratorial side glance that made something shift inside me.

“Do you believe in Santa Claus?” he asked.

Damn it, Harrison. Ava’s head shot up. “Why wouldn’t she?” she asked, horrified. Great.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” Bailey said, smooth as butter. Ava calmed down and went back to trying to get the dog onto her lap.

“I heard from a big kid that he might not be real.”

Bailey nodded knowingly. “Was this kid over twelve?”

Harrison looked at her like she was a psychic who’d just told him to expect great riches. “Yes, he’s thirteen. How did you know?”

“Because teenagers are mean.”

“And dishonest?” Harrison prodded.

She nodded some more. “Sometimes, yes. Goes with the meanness.”

“Why?” Ava asked, entranced by Bailey. So was I, a little. Okay, a lot. How were my kids sitting still and not fighting for this long?

“It’s just science,” Bailey said. “That kid will grow out of it, but in the meantime, probably stay away from him.”

“Yeah, that’s what I said,” I piped up, bizarrely eager to get her to remember I was there.

Harrison looked at me like I was a toenail floating in his breakfast cereal, then turned his disdain on Bailey. It seemed our time was up.

“We don’t have a mom,” he said. He liked to shock people with that. It usually got a bunch of attention, which he’d shrug off and then be surly for hours after.

Bailey didn’t look shocked, only a bit sad. Something else was in her mesmerizing eyes. “Me neither,” she said.

Ah, that was it. Understanding. I watched the kids' reaction to that. Harrison kept his attention firmly on the dog, but Ava reached over and patted her hand. What in the hell was that? Ava showing compassion for another human being?

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