Page 62 of Riley

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Chapter Twenty-One


Istared at him sleeping, feeling things that I wasn’t sure I wanted to feel. I crept from the bed and gathered clothes before I went to the guest bathroom and took a quick shower. I needed to feed the horses and then meet Joe for coffee.

Man, I hated how things went down with him last night, and I knew I had to be honest with him. I checked in with him as I left the house, and we decided on a diner on the edge of town rather than Coral’s Coffee Café. The last thing I needed was her asking how the baby was as we placed our orders.

I was there a few minutes early, and I opted for tea instead of coffee. My stomach was feeling a little iffy, probably from the stress of what I was about to do. As I sat there waiting, I thought about the night before.

I’d never seen Ethan so vulnerable, and I would be stupid not to realize that he’d felt safe enough with me to let himself break to pieces. I didn’t know many men who would do that. When Brad’s wife died, I saw him cry a few times, but not break down in heart-shattering sobs. I could not imagine.

Ethan had made love to me last night, and again, I couldn’t deny that it was just that. It hadnotbeen sex. Maybe it had started as sex downstairs with the chocolate, but after bearing his broken heart, it had been more—way more. I had felt it in him, felt it in myself, and I wondered if he had noticed a difference with me.

It wasn’t like I could ask him, but I hoped that maybe he knew I cared a little more than he initially thought. Was it love? Maybe.

Joe slipped into the seat across from me. “Morning, Riley. How was your night?”

I frowned. “Joe, I am very sorry about that.”

He held his hand up. “Riley, don’t apologize.” He sighed. “I knew when I first saw you two together that I should never have gotten between you. You guys have a history together, and it’s obvious that you both love one another.”

I opened my mouth to deny it, and he put his palm up. “Save it, Riley. You can deny it all you want. Even when you were angry with him, I saw the way you looked at him.”

“Joe, I’m sorry. I—” I blew out a frustrated breath. “I’m pregnant.”

He leaned back slightly. “How long have you known that?”

“Um, since the night we went to the movies.”

The waitress arrived at our table, and he turned his coffee mug over. “Just coffee.”

After she left, he stared at me. “Is that why you didn’t want to do anything else with the kids or sleep with me?”

I leaned forward. “Yes, that is exactly why. I was so confused and not sure what the hell I was going to do. I really liked you, but at the same time, I didn’t know what you would say. I also didn’t want to get the kids more involved if things weren’t going to work for us.” I winced. “And I didn’t want to sleep with another man when I knew I was carrying someone else’s baby.”

He stirred cream in his cup as he contemplated what I’d said. After taking a sip, he nodded. “I appreciate that. Both of those, actually. I’m not sure how I would have felt if I found out you were pregnant by another man. Maybe if I had known he wasn’t in the picture, it would have been different, but with Ethan—” He laughed. “He is a little territorial when it comes to you, Riley. When did you tell him?”

“He learned Friday night.”

He nodded. “Well, I wish you two well. Are you guys going to try and work things out?”

“To be honest, Joe, I have no clue.”

He reached over the table. “I think if you put your energy into it and stop trying to deny it, you two could have a great relationship.”

“I don’t know.”

“He loves you, Riley. Only a blind fool wouldn’t know that.”

“I know he does.”

“Do you love him?”

“The question isn’t if I love him, I do, but it’s if I love him enough and in the right way.” I stopped. “Wait, is this weird to talk about?”

He chuckled and leaned forward. “Actually, I have a little confession to make.”

“What’s that?”
