Page 12 of Angelina

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Chapter Four


The last five months had been long and tedious, but it wasn’t like I wasn’t used to being by myself.My father’s need to control me had taught me how to rely on myself for company many times over the years.Although, I did find myself missing my daily sex with Laura.There were quite a few times that I’d thought back on those days and replaced Laura with Kristin, not that I’d admit that to anyone.

I had plenty of books to read and movies to watch.Most days, I had a visitor or two, sometimes random people came to check on me or ask questions about things my father did.

I received regular meals, and three times a week, a human was brought to me to feed my baser instincts.I didn’t take advantage of them.I merely took what they offered in terms of nourishment, although a few had caused my denied sexual needs to surge.I’d always held back, though.

A couple of times, Lorna had visited me.I hadn’t recognized her the first time, but the moment she reminded me that Julian and her mother, Lyssa, had been mated, the memories of her returned.We spent our visits recalling those times, and I enjoyed those fond memories.

Once a week, Clayton visited me, which was what I looked forward to the most.The memories I had with Clayton went back even further than those I had of Lyssa and Lorna.Julian had worked with Clayton many years ago at the VMF back when I was a newly transitioned vampire.

Clayton had hired Julian to transition his daughter, Lyssa.As Julian, I had stayed with her until our son Damon was born.Then I had left, wanting to experience the world and not ready for a mate and all that came with it.Unfortunately, our son had turned into a raging asshole and had killed my mate Calista and my daughter Anastasia right before my eyes.

For years after, I swore vengeance on my son and hunted him everywhere.I didn’t find him for a long time, but when he made a comeback appearance, he unwillingly led me to Officer Kristin Greene, the first reborn vampire I was aware of.It was during that time that I finally got justice and killed Damon for good.

Somehow destiny had put me back in line with my mate, and I had thought I was about to be handed the world.Instead, I got a bowl of sour grapes as Kristin gave herself to Alex and then ended up mating his son, Trent.

After that time, I left her side to find a life for myself and ran into Lyssa again out west.We had a decent relationship, and I had adored her daughter Lorna.We had lived a good life for several years, but that was when Adam had killed Julian, and that part of my story ended.

When Clayton joined me for beer and conversation, we spoke of many of those times.He also shared more of what Lorna went through after our deaths leading up to the present time.

Occasionally, Clayton would talk about the recent past and what Kristin had been doing to better the breed and keep them safe.I would listen on the edge of my seat, as I wanted to know anything and everything that I could about her.With all the memories coming back, so had my somewhat obsession with her.

I was also able to give Clayton another view of the death of Alex, as I had witnessed it from the shadows of the warehouse when I was only eighteen.Had I known then what I did now, I might have tried to stop my father, or the man I had thought for years was my father.I would probably have been killed in the process, but I know I would have followed that gut instinct and done something more than witness the tragedy.

I had no clue if anything would come out of my feelings for Kristin, but I knew that if I had the chance to be with her again, I would jump at it.I would give her the world and help her with anything that she might need from me.

When she showed up in my quarters this morning, I was grateful that she had thought to come speak with me.We hadn’t had much of a chance to talk since I’d been here, and I kind of missed being in the cell in that facility where we’d gotten to chat one-on-one without anyone else being around.

Seeing her in the flesh, it had been hard to hold myself back.I had wanted to pull her into my arms and beg her to trust me.I wanted to stand beside her, fight what was coming, and help with solutions on how to fix things once we were able to leave here.

There was one problem—her mate.He was hell-bent on keeping me away from her.So much so that he had come to see me shortly after I arrived and pretty much told me there was no way in hell that he was going to let me near her.He had even forcefully taken a few mouthfuls of my blood, and he had sneered as he stepped back.“That’s to keep an eye on you.”

I had no clue what he was referring to, as my room had cameras and I wasn’t going anywhere or doing anything special.Whatever floats his boat, I thought as he left.

I hadn’t seen him since, and I wasn’t the least bit upset about that.What did piss me off was him making Kristin upset.I didn’t like seeing her this stressed, and with all that she had going on with the breed, the last thing she needed was a tense relationship to go with it.

I had another month, and then I would be free to move about.Once I could do that, I would work on how to get closer to Kristin and see how I could help.Maybe Clayton would be able to assist me with that.Anything I could do to lighten the load, I would.

As I picked up the book I had discarded on her arrival, I lay back and tried to focus, but my mind was searching for ways to not only help her but claim her for myself.

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