Page 39 of Angelina

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Chapter Fourteen


Corbin and I had sex one more time, then he took a shower and went to talk to Gideon.I had no interest in explaining myself, so I’d let him do it for me.

After Corbin left, the smile that I’d plastered on my face dissolved.I ran my hands wearily over my face and sighed before climbing in the shower.As I stood under the water, my tears mixed with the droplets and streaked down my body in guilty rivulets.

What had I just done?My heart ached to know that I had broken the last bond to Hugh.What would he say when he found out?How long would it take him to realize it was gone?

Since I had left the compound, there had been a few occasions that I had almost felt like I could feel his presence, as if he were watching over me.But that was only possible if he too were outside the compound, and I knew that he would not leave for the sake of his daughter.

I finished washing and then dressed in dark clothing to hide me in the shadows of the night.I needed to get out of this place for a little while, which meant I would have to go topside.

I managed to get out without too many people seeing me leave, and as I breached the door to the outside, I sucked in a breath of fresh air.I skirted around the building, careful to let my senses reach out, and realized how much easier it was tonight.

Like Corbin, I had felt a dramatic shift in my power during our mating.I hadn’t felt this strong in—well, forever, and it helped remind me of why I had done it in the first place.

If, for some reason, Hugh didn’t leave Kristin after they came out, at least I wouldn’t be left alone.I had a mate, a solid and powerful mate.I looked forward to seeing what this mating would do for us both.I had yet to consider what changes this mating could do for me.Would I now be able to do more than break compulsion?Would I be as strong as Kristin and able to control people at a whim?

Only time would tell.

In the distance, I heard a hum of noise, as if a truck were idling not far away.I followed the sound, making sure to stick to the shadows and search above for any cameras that might have been installed.Several blocks away, I found the source of the sound.There were two trucks, and they were parked next to an electrical pole.

I got a little closer, as I could only see the tops of the trucks.A wall had been constructed, and I turned to see that it was long.How long had they been building a wall?Were they trying to keep us from coming to them?

When I got to a vantage point high enough to see over, I found several men were working on the pole and adding what looked like antennas to it.On the ground around the trucks were military personnel with electrical blasters.

What the hell were they doing?Were they trying to restore power?Or was this somehow to locate us?Maybe they were using the antennas to find our signals.

I thought back on earlier tonight when Bark talked to the group about what he had found.I had spaced out and wasn’t paying attention.Was this what he was sharing?I wished now that I had paid attention.

I drifted back the way I had come and shifted off to the side a bit, looking at other telephone poles and trying to see if more had been done.I found eight poles in a row with the identical antennas attached already and pursed my lips, and there was a wall as far as I could see.They were targeting our area.

I made my way back to the underground base to let them know what I had seen.I was barely down the stairs and into the lobby there when Marissa came at me.

“You bitch!Why did you have to take him?”

I spun on her and instantly felt power coming to life inside of my body.My fingertips tingled, and I almost giggled as I realized that I just might be more like my sister now.

“You act like you own him.He wasn’t yours, Marissa.”

“You knew how I felt about him!”She grew closer, and the energy in my body began to fill me more.

“Yes, and earlier tonight, you were saying that I was walking all over him and not giving him the attention that he deserved.”I grinned at her, letting the tips of my fangs show.“I think I gave him the right amount of attention now.”

The anger surged through her, and she curled her hands as she started to come toward me.I felt my body respond to the threat and lifted my hands.She stopped right where she was, as if I had frozen her.Her eyes went wide as she realized she couldn’t move.I began to giggle.

“I suggest you not threaten me again, Marissa, or I won’t just stop you like this.I’ll stop you for good.”

“Angelina!”Gideon yelled my name, and it was then that I felt the presence of others, including my new mate, Corbin.They stood off to the side, observing us.“Let her go!”

I shrugged and dropped my hands.“Fine, ruin all my fun.”

Marissa’s body went back into motion, but not before I moved several feet away.She hissed at me and took off down a back hallway.

“Did you have to do that to her?”

“What?I was stopping her from doing something that she might regret.I was only trying to protect myself.”

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