Page 72 of Angelina

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Chapter Twenty-Two


After eating, we were given keys to our rooms, and Corbin, Gideon, and I returned to our suite.When we arrived back, we found a note on the inside table.

I read it out loud.“Your presence is requested at an hour after sunset for the early meal.Signed, Joseph Portage.”

“What do you think that is about?”Corbin asked as I tossed the note back to the table.

“Who knows.”

“Maybe the guy is just trying to be friendly and wants to talk to the people who were in charge of our camp,” Gideon stated.

“No doubt he will be fishing for more on my sister.”

“Maybe, but you don’t know anything, Lena, so there is nothing to worry about yet,” he continued.

I stood in front of the shuttered window, wishing I could look out at the world around us.“Don’t be fooled, Gid.I don’t trust his motives, and I never will.Watch what you say, but more importantly, watch what you think around him.He’s old, and he’s strong, and we don’t know what or who he has around him protecting him and working on his behalf.”

“It’s obvious that he does have a lot of people working for him.”

“I’d like to know how many people are here,” Corbin asked.“Why do the humans leave him alone when they hunt so many of our breed?This huge building could easily be stormed, but everyone seems to be living in peace here.Almost as if the shit isn’t happening out there.”

“That’s a good question,” Gideon responded.“I was wondering that myself.Any thoughts, Angelina?”

I compressed my lips.I did have a thought, but until I learned more, I would keep it to myself.“No.”

Corbin and Gideon chuckled.“Yeah, I think that is a yes, but you don’t want to share.”

I turned to them.“Look, I know a lot about Portage.For years, Kristin has been studying him and trying to find him.We know that he wants to take over the world, and while I was never one to jump on that bandwagon, I am rethinking that position.I don’t trust the man, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try and behave and see what he’s about.”

“That’s good because the way I see it, we don’t have much of a choice,” Gid said.

Sadly, he was right.

Ihad slept with one eye open, wondering when something would happen.Not that I expected the place to be attacked, but what Portage would do.I might have said I was willing to stay here and listen, but that didn’t mean I trusted the man not to do something stupid, especially to Corbin or me.

I lay in bed after I woke and studied Corbin in the darkness.If Portage didn’t get what he wanted from me, would he try to use Corbin against me?The fact that he knew we were mated would mean he would have a way to torture me without even doing anything to me.I should know firsthand, as I had helped my father do that to Alexander and Kristin before I knew she was my sister.Was Corbin strong enough to withstand what came his way?

I had to hope he was.He was powerful and older than I was.I ran my eyes along his face and thought that he did have very familiar facial features, only I didn’t know who they resembled.Maybe they were just familiar because I had been with him for a while.Perhaps I had noticed them before but never really paid much attention.

I slipped out of bed quietly and went to the bathroom, where I stared at the mirror for a long moment.I wished I had a way to contact Kristin and Hugh.Hugh—my heart ached for a moment.

We could have had so much together, been so much together.Would I have been able to heal the way I did if I had mated to Hugh?Or were specific abilities from certain people?

I showered and went to the closet to choose another outfit that I had picked out at the boutique the night before.I had gone to town shopping, and the rest of my purchases were delivered to my room.I hadn’t just shopped for me; I’d had things picked out for both Corbin and Gideon.I knew men well, and none of them liked to shop, but they would wear what they found hanging in their closet.

While I was here, I figured I might as well take advantage of it and get my girlie back on instead of wearing hiking boots, pants, and sweatshirts.If I could avoid those for the rest of my life, I’d be a happy girl.

I chose a black leather skirt and another sultry, low-cut silky blouse in a deep purple.On my feet, I slipped on three-inch black heels and sighed in relief.The amount of clothing I had chosen would have put a good dent in anyone’s bank account, but I didn’t care about taking from Portage.God knew he had taken enough from us over the years.

That made me wonder what had happened to all our funds.Had the government frozen our accounts?Would we be able to access any of it?In my years, I had amassed a fortune.It would be a shame if I couldn’t retrieve all my hard-earned money.

I slipped out of the suite and stood in the hallway, listening carefully.I could hear others moving about but didn’t recognize any of them.I made my way to the elevator and down to the main floor.The sun had not yet set, but that was alright.I wanted to check the place out and see how things were running.

I ventured into the lobby on the bottom floor, smiling at the two people behind the front counter.Neither of them wore uniforms; instead, they were smartly dressed in business casual.I made my way toward them and asked where I could find coffee.

They directed me to a little café down another hallway.On my way, I took in every inch of the place.There were three shops down the corridor with the boutique and a sign for a spa.I wondered briefly if that was open.How I’d love to have my nails done, along with a nice long massage.Possibly with a man who had strong hands and a big cock.

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