Page 67 of Candy

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She ran a hand down my face. “I’m here for you, Mike. I’m here for all of it.”

“I can’t promise you more than that.”

She laughed silently, her body vibrating against mine. “You already promised me everything that I needed.”

“What do you mean?”

“You claimed me, Michael Bollard, and I know what that means. You might not be in the club anymore, but I know you have feelings for me. I’m not pressing for anything. This is enough. Just know that whatever you need, I’m here.”

“What if I need you to watch Harley?”

“No problem.”

“What if I need you to give me a blow job behind the bar.”

“Oh, baby, I’m there.” She giggled.

“What if I want you to do my laundry?”

She popped up on her elbow. “Okay, now you’re pushing it. I don’t even like doingmylaundry.”

I pulled her to my mouth. “Okay, so no laundry.”

“We can talk about that later,” she mumbled against my lips.

“Yeah, later,” I agreed as I pulled her over my body. “Because I think I might need you to sit on my face.”

A sassy smile slipped over her mouth. “I thought you would never ask.”

After we had sex again, Candy took a quick shower while I checked on Harley. I left his door open and went to shower and change clothes in the room Candy had given me. Then I returned to her room to find her sitting on the bed in a t-shirt.

“I came to say good night.”

“It’s a little early to be going to sleep, don’t you think?”

I glanced at the clock and saw it was slightly after ten. “Yeah, I guess.”

“I’m going to watch TV. Hop up here and watch with me.”

“Fine, but I’m going back to my room to sleep.”

“Whatever you want, Mike,” she replied with a smile.

I had already had what I wanted, twice. Now it was time to relax, and I lay beside her as she watched a medical drama television show. About halfway through it, my eyelids got heavy, and I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke, it was dark in the room, and Candy was curled on her side, away from me. A blanket had been thrown over me, and I slipped from under it and tiptoed out of the room.

In the hallway, I stopped outside Harley’s room and listened for him, but after a few seconds, I couldn’t hear him breathing. I moved toward the bed and touched it, only to panic as I found it was empty. I rushed back to the door and flipped on the light as my heart began to hammer in my chest.

Where the hell did he go? I searched the whole room and then went into my room and turned the light on there, but he wasn’t there or in the closet. I quickly searched the rest of the house and practically ran back to Candy’s room to wake her up. Panic gripped my chest to the point that it was hard to breathe, and I threw her door open and froze.

The light from the hallway fell on Harley’s sweet face, curled on his side and sleeping soundly tucked up close to Candy. Her arm wrapped tightly around his waist as if to protect him.

If there was any doubt about how I felt for either of them, there sure as hell wasn’t now.


