Page 3 of Mine to Bear

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“Need help with that?”

I heard the humor in his voice and felt my cheeks heat as I realized I’d stalled out at my front door.

“It’s been a long time since I brought a man home.”

Try never.But I wasn’t admitting that out loud. His strong arms slipped around my waist, pulling me back against his solid body before he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

“Nothing will happen that you don’t want to, Jolie. I promise to take care of you. I’ll always take care of you.”

Ignoring the way my heart sped up at his words, I leaned forward—forcing him to loosen his hold—to slide the key into the lock and let us in. I was being stupid. It was just sex, the same as we always did. It was just this time it wasn’t costing him the price of a hotel room. As it occurred to me that it was always him that picked up the cost of the room, it dawned on me exactly how patient he had been with me. Hell, Trent wouldn’t have ever agreed to do what I’d forced Neo to do so many times over these past months, not even once. No way. Yet Neo never complained. I knew he wasn’t happy with how things were, that he wanted more, but he never got angry or gave up on me.

While I was lost in my head, Neo closed and flipped the lock on the door.

“C’mon, babe. I need to get you out of that head of yours before I lose you completely.”

I blinked up at him, trying to fight my way through the tangle of thoughts swirling in my head when with a growl he prowled toward me. Instinctively, I retreated, stepping back until I hit the wall.

His eyes shone, reflecting the moonlight that streamed in through the open curtains as he moved up until our bodies were pressed together. Not looking away from my eyes, he rested one arm on the wall above my head while he used his other hand to tilt up my chin. Then he stole my breath, along with every thought in my head, when he lowered his mouth and claimed my lips with his.

He started slow, just a soft slide of his lips against mine. When he pulled back, I licked my lips, trying to get more of his taste. He growled again, a low, rough sound that came from deep in his chest that sent a wave of arousal through my body until it landed between my thighs. Unable to stand his teasing any longer, I lifted my hands and threading my fingers through his hair, pulled his face back to mine.

This time there was nothing gentle about the kiss. He devoured me. Slanting his head so our mouths fused together perfectly, I opened to him and allowed his tongue to slid in against mine. His taste filled my senses and with a moan I allowed my eyes to flicker closed.

By the time he pulled back, breaking the kiss, I was boneless. He was taking all my weight as I leaned fully into him. He stroked his knuckles down my cheek.

“I need you, Jolie, more than I need to breathe.”


I couldn’t even speak in full sentences anymore, but I knew I wanted to have him in my bed. I tried to take a step forward, but he didn’t budge.

With a shake of his head, he reached for the bottom of my sweater, lifting it up as he spoke. “We’ll get there. Eventually. First, I want to see your skin glowing in the moonlight. I want to get my mouth on you. You’re so fucking gorgeous, Jolie.”

Before I knew what was happening he had me naked and leaning back against the wall. I wasn’t entirely sure how he did it so fast, but before I could say anything, he groaned and said, “So fucking pretty. And all mine.”

He tugged his shirt over his head and my breath caught at the sight of all his muscles without any clothing hiding them. The way his arms flexed as he tossed the clothing aside had my full attention until he dropped to his knees. Then my focus was on his sinful mouth, his tongue as he ran it over his lower lip. I slapped my hands against the wall for balance when he suddenly lifted one of my legs and put it over his shoulder. Then he ran his nose up the crease where my thigh joined my torso, inhaling against my flesh, making me shudder at the sensations that were flowing through my body.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Jolie.”

My breath hitched in my throat, catching, when he turned his face, and with a growl, covered my core with his mouth. He thrust his tongue inside me and teased me until my back was arched and my head was thrown back in bliss. I loved how he came at me like this, almost animalistic in his intensity. Once he started touching me like this, I was all his. I’d give him anything and everything he asked for. I lived for these precious hours where I gave in and let him have me.If only I were brave enough to chance it more often, to have a real relationship with him.



As I took my first taste of her honey for the night, I glanced up her body. The sight she made had my cock jerking for attention. Her bared tits were thrust out, her head tilted up with her eyes closed. Another growl escaped my throat when I saw how she was attempting to dig her nails into the wall as I kept up fucking her with my tongue. I loved how when I got her like this, naked and with my tongue on her, she dropped the walls she kept up. Once I got her stripped down, she bared everything to me. If I respected her less, I’d demand she allow me to claim her when she was like this, lost to the lust and passion. But I knew that wouldn’t end well for us. She’d hate me for taking advantage of her like that.

I kept up my assault on her pussy until she was writhing against the wall, on the verge of coming. I lifted my mouth from her and thrust two fingers deep inside her.

“Come for me, babe. Give me what I crave.”

It was so cliché, a bear craving honey. But it was the truth. I needed to get my fill of her sweet nectar. Lowering back to her flesh, I sucked on her clit as I continued thrusting my fingers within her until she screamed and came. Shifting my grip to her hips, I held her up as I lapped up the honey she gifted me. I kept my strokes gentle as she flew high then came back down. When she groaned and tried to tilt her hips away from my mouth, I turned my lips to press a kiss to her inner thigh before I rose to my feet.

I took her mouth with mine, letting her taste herself on my tongue as I reached between us and made fast work of undoing my pants. Once I had them shoved down, I toed off my boots and kicked my pants to the side, only then ending the kiss. Running my nose down hers, I locked gazes with her.

If I could freeze time, I would do it right now. With Jolie naked and pressed up against me, her eyes burning with lust, and her hands gripping my shoulders, holding me closer to her. I could live forever in this moment. But I knew it wouldn’t last, as soon as I sated her, she’d push me away again, and the cycle would restart. Ranger was right. This was slowly killing me. But I couldn’t do a damn thing about it. She was my mate, the center of my universe, and I loved her.If only she’d love me in return.

Jolie had mostly stuck to herself since moving to Serenity three months ago, but having her working in the office meant I got to spend a fair bit of time around her. She was sweet and kind to everyone. I’d never seen her treat anyone cruelly, and she rarely cursed.So fucking sweet and innocent.But she was hiding a whole lot of pain. I could feel it radiating off her every time I got close to her. Someone had hurt her and badly. Bad enough she was on the run. I knew she’d tried to leave town twice. I’d felt it deep within me both times. It had been like someone was clawing out my insides. Each time I’d raced to find her, panicking that someone had gotten to her and hurt her. I hadn’t approached her either time, just stayed back and kept watch as she struggled to continue out of town before giving in, turning around, and coming home. Then, in my bear form, I stayed in the trees behind her place and kept watch over her. It hurt to see her suffering, but the only way to ease both our pain was to claim her.
