Page 25 of Cujo's Rampage

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It was my turn to shudder. “I can’t believeIdid that.”

He ran his knuckles down my cheek, and when I looked into his eyes, I saw the pride shining there.

“You were so fierce, my little kitty. Fucking love you can take care of business like that. Your ocelot had a debt to collect on your old man. Hopefully she’s more settled this morning, having gotten her vengeance.”

Knowing he wasn’t judging me harshly for what I’d done, loosened my muscles and I relaxed in against him, slipping my hands down his shirt to the hem where I started to gather up the fabric.

“She’s very content this morning. It was my human side that was horrified at the violence.”

He pulled his shirt off over his head before responding, “Well, how about I make sure I’m always between you and danger in the future? I’ll be the one to kill anyone who comes at you.”

My ocelot raised her head and rumbled her disapproval, the sound slipping out my lips without my permission. Heat flared over my cheeks as Cujo laughed. “Guess she’s not okay with that. I’m sure we’ll find a compromise that allows her to go hunting on occasion. Oh, and Daniela dropped off an amulet for you to wear, so you can conjure up clothes after shifting.” He paused to run his gaze down my naked body. “Fuck, Lily-Rose, I love you more than I thought I could ever love someone. You’re simply perfect. My sweet, warrior ocelot.”

The heat in my cheeks grew and I knew I must be flushed bright red by now, but the way my heart swelled under his praise had me preening.

“And I love you, my rampaging protector. After everything I’d seen in my life, I didn’t think men like you even existed. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for saving me from that cell and showing me there’s so much more to life.”

With tears blurring my vision, I cupped his face and leaned in to press a kiss to his lips, with a growl, he turned us so I was underneath him on the mattress. Since I’d slept naked, he had full access to every inch of me. Access he took full advantage of as his hands and mouth trailed from my lips down my body.

I arched my spine when he took his first lick up between my thighs. A happiness and joy I’d never felt before radiated out of me, making me grin as I lifted my hips against his touch, begging for more.

My ocelot preened within me before she whispered a secret I had to bite my lip to not call out. I’d tell Cujo later he was going to become a father. If I said something now, he’d stop what he was doing with his oh-so-talented tongue. Which would be criminal.

Running my fingers into his hair, I pulled him in closer as I neared a climax. Even past the arousal spiraling within me, a deep contentment settled over me. I’d found a future I’d never been brave enough to even dream of, and there was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep it.

The End
