Page 112 of The Perfect Wrong

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As if on cue, Chris opens his eyes.

That lush jade-green hue turns teal when his irises catch the sunlight streaming in at just the right angle.

My heart flips over.

That’s when I notice something hard against my thigh.

Biting back a smile, I push my hand under the sheets, feeling him as he grinds against me.

“Already? Can’t you say good morning like a normal guy?” I laugh, loving how he looks at me.

“I save that for virgins, princess. You’re not one anymore, in case you hadn’t noticed.” With a wicked grin, he kisses me, bringing a thick hand between my legs.

All it takes is a few finger strokes to open me up, make me achingly wet, ready to surrender every inch of me.

“We should get up and do something,” I moan, suddenly feeling an urge to see the city again.

“We are,” he grumbles, fresh hunger in his eyes. “Unless you’ve got better plans than coming till you’re speechless.”


I can’t believe how he turns me inside out with a few words.

Chris makes me feel safe, secure, and cherished in his arms. Remembering how the dead men threatened me, running their vile hands all over my body, doesn’t chase away my excitement.

Everything that happened just days ago feels like a vague nightmare from another life now.

I wonder if that’s shock setting in or if he’s that magical.

Right now, he’s ignoring anything I could say, moving over me with fierce, sucking kisses up my throat.

“Here’s your good morning,” he says, maneuvering his weight between my legs.

His cock teases my clit, dangerously close to taking me right now.

I need to stop before he goes in bare.

Before Ibeg.

I’ve been on the pill since I turned nineteen, but a little protection seems like the only good decision I’m still capable of making with this man.

Again, he smacks my clit with his length, drumming my flesh like he wants to kindle a fire.

Mission accomplished.

I gasp, smiling because I’m amazed at how hungry he still is.

An insecure part of me feared he’d be bored.

Now, there’s no denying he actually meant everything he said last night. And it still rings true here in the full golden light of a summer day in Vegas.

“You want to wake up, babe?” he teases, breaking the kiss. “Come with me.”

He pulls me up from the bed by one hand, stopping only to grab his pants. Probably for more condoms.

A minute later, we’re in the spacious shower together, naked behind the glass, dual waterfall showers spraying cool beads down our backs.

He eyes the rivulets running down my body like a desert creature mad with thirst—and he leans toward my neck, trailing the droplets to my breasts with his tongue.
