Page 138 of The Perfect Wrong

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It feels like he’ll tear my hair out in his raging release.

His climax yanks me deeper into forbidden bliss than anything I’ve ever known.

Pulls me so deep I don’t ever want it to stop.

I’m in flames, transported to a world populated by nothing but sweat and sex and impossible kisses.

Our bodies, minds, and souls bond together on some higher plane I’m too sex-drunk to comprehend.

After he pulls out, we lie together, tangled in the damp sheets.

I love how he never keeps his hands off me, even when he’s spent.

He rests a hand on my ass and leaves the other in my hair, keeping me coiled around him, using his magnificent chest for a pillow.

“I never expected to see you again so soon. What brought you back?” I whisper, running my fingers over his chest.

It’s nice to just slow down and admire him, enjoying the lazy calm of the afterglow.

My nails trace his dragon and trident, admiring all the intricate details, so vivid and rich in black ink as dark and dangerous as the rest of him.

“Why do you think?” There’s a sharpness in his tone. He waits for an answer I don’t have. “Shit, Delia, you really don’t know? I’m addicted. I was up half the night jonesing for another hit of you—and I’ll be damned if I deprive myself while you’re a short drive away.”

“Oh?” I smile, raising my eyebrows. “So, you just stopped by for a hookup? Hmph. I bet you could find that a lot closer to your place or whatever.”

“Look at me, princess.” He grabs my chin, repositioning my head so it’s perfectly level with his eyes. “I can find easy pussy anywhere I please, no question—and it’s not what I want. It’s notyou.I don’t have the first clue what voodoo shit you’ve cursed me with, but I want more. I’m no dumbass. I know this house is the last place I should be after your bed. I just don’t care. Instinct got me pretty far, and when it told me I should pay you a visit tonight, I listened.”

His gaze is so intense I have to look away.

I love how his skin feels against mine.

It’s almost like he’s getting warmer, gradually heating up like there’s a chemical reaction between our flesh.

“Yeah? And what’s instinct telling you now?”

He grabs my hand and pushes it down to his thigh, then slowly drags it across his cock.

He closes my fingers around him.

When I feel how hard he is already, I gasp.

At least we had a good five-minute break this time. That’s a lot for him.

“Stop talking. Put your mouth to work and find out,” he says darkly.

Freaking aye. What’s wrong with me?

I shouldn’t be doing this, sucking Chris off in my own bed, much less getting wet when he talks to me like a lovestruck caveman.

And I want to laugh in his face for pretending I’m not the one under a terrible love spell here.

But his hard-on feels so good when I wrap my fingers around his throbbing length.

Soon, that urge to taste him takes over.

So I crawl down the bed and get between his legs, blushing as his green eyes follow me the entire time.

How does he make me feel so self-conscious, even after we’ve done this more times than I can count?
