Page 147 of The Perfect Wrong

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The thought of a cold, abrupt end where he’s no longer part of me hurts as much as it did when we were in Vegas and I knew I’d come home to a life of having to settle for—I don’t even know.

I don’t know, but it can’t be Chris fucking Triton.




And the one man on the planet who’s stolen my heart when I’ve tried so hard to keep it.

* * *

Holy shit.HOLY SHIT but she’s okay???

I stare down at Marnie’s text with a blinding headache. At least someone finds my messed-up life amusing.

The fact that I had to risk spilling my guts to her about Evie, about everything, tells me how emotionally wrecked I am this week.

Yeah,I type back.I told you, they got to her in time and everything. She should be okay, but Dad’s pretty torn up about it.

Marnie: I bet! Btw you never debriefed me on Vegas. What happened with Casper?

I squint at the screen before I send back,Casper? I feel like we’re having two different conversations...

Marnie: Mystery McHottie. Ghost dick. The guy you won’t name. Ugh, keep up.

Oof, here we go. Hazards of leaning on your gossipy best friend for support, I guess.

When I hesitate too long answering, my phone pings again.

Marnie: ...don’t tell me he actually ghosted you? Because if he did, I’ve got a glitter bomb with his name on it. Just send me his addy.

I snort laughter, even if there’s no earthly way I’d ever unleash her on Chris.

Marnie, no. It’s not like that,I send.

Marnie: Then what? Did he leave you hanging when you were all ready to do the deed? Was he a sucky kisser? Did he have a feet thing?

Delia: Ew, no! No feet. It’s just really complicated. He has some family stuff going on. And I...well, I kinda got mugged on the trip.

Marnie: Mugged? Foly huck!

I wonder why I’m telling her this. Chris rushing to my rescue just brings back the whirlwind of memories, leaving tears nipping at my eyes.

It’s okay. He was nearby and he came charging in. He saved me. We filed a police report. Still, it put a bit of a cloud over the rest of the trip. I’m sure you can imagine...

Yeah, I’m definitely lying now, and Marnie Rowdy has a nose like a bloodhound.

Marnie: He sounds amazing! So you had an action flick porno moment? Like he carried you back to your room and you guys were so keyed up it was dynamite? God, it must’ve been good.

No response.

Honestly, nowords.

There’s no good way to break the news about my bittersweet wall-to-wall escapades with my freaking stepbrother—let alone the glaring fact that they never ended in Vegas.

Five minutes later, my phone buzzes on my lap, scratching my leg like an impatient kitten.
