Page 162 of The Perfect Wrong

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We come together until we can’t.

We come until we finally understand.

We come until we know what this means, but not what the fuck we should do about it.

We come until I can’t imagine drawing another breath without her.

And what I might do to keep her scares me to the bone.

* * *

What the fuck just happened?

The question rings in my head on a repeating loop when I finally come to.

We’re both panting, fighting to replenish precious oxygen in our lungs.

The mess I’ve left inside her trickles down her thighs.

My heart thumps with pride as I run my hand between her legs, feeling what we’ve done.

“Chris?” she whispers my name, soft and unsure. “My arms are getting tired.”

Grinning, I reach up and unfasten my belt, hurling it on the floor.

Then I turn her to face me. We kiss so long and sweet it drains the venom in my soul. Her eyes are practically glowing, and I’m hard again in no time.

The rest of the evening is a red blur of filthy words and dirty passions.

Kiss by kiss, fuck by fuck, I’m finished playing games.

Done hiding what I feel for her.

It’s only a matter of time till our parents find out.

Evie has a nose for drama like a bloodhound, and I know she’ll try using Bruce against us. She’ll tell him I’m the bad guy who defiled and corrupted his precious daughter.

I don’t give my worries voice, though.

I just let Delia ride my cock, holding my hand over her mouth the entire time.

She bites down sharply when she comes, and my balls erupt more fire.

I’m crazed to pump it into her at some primal, caveman level I still don’t understand.

Later, she’s curled up on my chest like an exhausted kitten, running a lazy hand over my stubble. It feels good, natural, as incredible as her soft brown eyes gazing into mine.

“Maybe you were right about this talk,” she whispers. “We can finally stop pretending this is just a fling, right?”

“I already said theLword once, princess.” I snort. “You’re not getting more unless I hear it first.”

Her eyes heat like soft brown stars as she kisses me slowly.

“I love you, lunk. Happy?”

She laughs as I slide my hands between the well-used softness between her legs.

