Page 165 of The Perfect Wrong

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God, he really loves me.

That’s as insane as it is wonderful.

I’m almost afraid how hard and how fast I’m falling for him, deeper than I ever knew was possible.

“See? You don’t even deny it, princess,” he whispers, raising my chin softly with his fingers until I meet his eyes. “I know you. And you know you never have to hide that heart from me.”

I push my face to his chest, speechless and a little choked up.

Because what he’s saying is too true.

With him, I’m safe.


I’m not just an afterthought in Dad’s busy life or the broken, sad girl who’s rich enough for classy friends, but not the girl they ever connect with.

“Are you really leaving soon?” I ask, trying like hell to hide the tears welling in my eyes. His cryptic hints about some upcoming mission have had me scared for weeks. “I’m scared for you, Chris.”

We both know what I mean byleaving.

“Don’t be. I’ve been sent off on snipe hunts worse than this and always come back in one piece. It’s what I do,” he growls, pressing his forehead to mine.

But for just the faintest second, he hesitates.

It’s like I can smell something new mingled with his delicious, manly scent.


That’s what truly ices my veins. If this man has even the slightest doubts about coming home, how can I possibly believe he’ll return to me in one piece?

How can I trust that I’m meant to be this lucky? That we’ll actually have a future?

But I don’t dare say these things out loud.

Tonight, I’m too dazzled by the rockets bursting in the sky and starlit green eyes that hold more secrets than the endless dark ocean stretching as far as we can see.

I reach for his big hands and squeeze until my fingers go numb.

“I can’t lose you,” I whisper. “If I paint what I feel...I’d never paint anything again.”

“Won’t happen, babe,” he promises, assuring me with a kiss so hot it curls my toes. “If I don’t come home, permission granted for you to find me and kill me again.”

I giggle, pushing at his chest. “That doesn’t even make sense!”

“Yeah. Neither does thinking I’d ever fucking leave you, baby. Even unwillingly, I’ll still come back and haunt your ass. Remember that movieGhost?”

I shake my head fiercely, smiling at how crazy he is.

“That scene with the pottery or whatever? That’s me with your paints. Except I’d never leave, and I’d use my spooky powers to tie you down and paint every damn inch of you.”

“It’s official,” I say.


“You are crazy. Do youhearyourself, Chris?”

He blinks slowly and gives me this huge boyish grin. “I do. And you’re gonna have me committed before you’re done hearing all the ways I come up with to tell you I fucking love you, babe.”
