Page 193 of The Perfect Wrong

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Enough of this shit!

I’m about to push past her and pull Delia with me when she lunges.

The witch goes for my eyes with her long jade nails.

I barely swerve away in time.

Delia and I both catch her, shove her back, fling her so hard against the wall she bangs it with a loudthud!

I’m surprised there isn’t an Evie-shaped hole in the drywall.

But she spins, sputtering, one hand near her abdomen like she’s hurt.


“Now look... look what you’ve done!” she shrieks, pressing her fingers into her side and wincing.

Delia’s hand goes clammy in mine as we watch her fish around clumsily for her phone, lift it to her lips, and start talking.

“Hello, yes? It’s Evie Triton at the Burr residence on Pacifica Shores. I’m calling with an emergency. My son and my stepdaughter, we had an argument and theyattackedme—”


I don’t hesitate a second more after she starts rattling off the address.

I jerk Delia forward before my asshole mother can block our way again.

Soon, we’re flying upstairs.

She’s in tears, stunned, and barely able to move, so I hoist her up and carry her.

It’s dark upstairs, but it doesn’t stop me from leaping over a couple drunken stragglers on the ground, heading for the elevator that will set us back down near the garage.

“Chris, what’s going on? Where are we going? We’re so screwed!”

I clench my jaw, refusing to tell her she’s right.

I don’t say another word till she’s in my truck and I help her buckle up.

She isn’t protesting by the time I start the engine.

The slowest garage door in the world opens, and then we’re tearing down the long, winding road downhill.

My fingers tap the alert on my remote for the snob in the guardhouse over and over again, but the gate isn’t moving.

What the fuck?

I slam the brakes on and stop next to his window for about three seconds.

A single look tells me everything I need to know.

Jeeves stands there at full attention, a stern look on his face.

He looks right through me and slowly shakes his head.

“Open the hell up,” I snarl, knowing what my odds are that he’ll listen.

He doesn’t, of course, just shakes his head and points back at the house, one hand snaking toward the taser on his hip.
