Page 232 of The Perfect Wrong

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New love.

And as long as I’m coming on that ride, I’m ready to follow him anywhere.

Chris is oddly tight-lipped during the drive and then the walk out to the sand dunes. We wind along the cliffs and mostly deserted roads, staring at empty beaches.

I recognize Dad’s place in the distance. The big house looks tiny as we step out to the scenic overlook and take in the view.

“Brrr!” I push myself into his chest. “This better be good. It’s got to be like fifty degrees with this wind.”

“You’ve got all of me for warmth, princess. That enough?” His eyes are glowing as I nod.Like I’ll ever need anything more.“Anyway, didn’t have much choice. There’s something we’ve gotta get done by Christmas. Let’s walk.”

He leads us to the small winding staircase going down to the beach.

Even with my toes turning blue, I’m too curious to resist, so I follow behind him as fast as my boots will carry me.

I kinda love how every change in the seasons brings a few new outfits that make him want me more.

And I need to dress warm for the internship downtown coming up now that I’ve got my degree. The office is buzzing with reporters and media sharks who judge too much off first impressions.

Dressing to impress landed me a SEAL, so why not an awesome career, too?

By the time we’re leaving footprints in the sand, the wind isn’t as bad as I expected.

The Pacific looks as untamable as ever, the waters churning with the wind, slapping the shore with angry kisses.

Chris points at Dad’s place in the distance, aiming his finger at the small beach bar, now closed up for winter. It feels like forever ago when we met, right after I watched him striding out of the sea like some legendary creature.

My warrior prince.

My destiny.

It’s true and cliché and as campy as it sounds.

Guess how much I care?

“Over there. That’s where it started,” he says, hooking an arm around my waist and pulling me close. “You remember that night, babe? I still dream about it. I held on to it for life—literally, while those fucks were bashing me in the face.”

“I do. It’s all that kept me from breaking down every second you were missing. But I think about Vegas too, when we finallyknewwe weren’t crazy. Then I’d start crying because I wondered if it was all we’d ever have, a few good memories...”

I don’t mean to tell him about that and ruin the vibe, but it just bleeds out.

“I’m alive, Delia, and so are you.” He turns me around, holding me gently against his chest. And he reminds me how lively we both are when I feel his wall of hard, protective muscle under my face. “Believe it or not, I didn’t drag you here to fuck,” he whispers.

“For realsies?” I laugh because it actually surprises me.

I was sure he had something kinky in mind.

Maybe he’d throw me down, rip off my clothes, and warm us up the fun way.

Why do my nipples feel so hard just thinking about it? I swear it’s not the cold.

“That’s for later,” he promises, inhaling sharply “I just hope you still have the energy to keep up with me tonight once I show you this.”

I don’t get what’s happening when he pulls away.

What’s he doing?

A second later, the whole world condenses.
