Page 3 of The Perfect Wrong

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Picture the exact opposite.

His bedroom interests made me drier than the Sonoran desert.

No, I wasn’t going to tie him up and slap him across the face while he called me mama.

Not in this lifetime.

Not with anyone.


Why the unholyhellis it so hard to find a normal red-blooded man with a good head on his shoulders?

Do men with an alpha bone in their bodies still exist outside romance novels and thriller movies?

“Aw, hey, don’t feel too bad,” Marnie says. “I’m sure it wasn’t all so one-sided with Mr. Bitter. We’ve got to do lunch soon. I’d love to hear what the little rat was really up to...”

I open my mouth to change the subject, but then I see Mr. Tangerine Man strutting toward us with neon-green martinis and a beer dripping condensation.

Thank God, at least I don’t have to wait for my drink.

“Cheers, ladies,” he says, pushing a martini into my hand and flashing me a wink that says I’m not just the annoying third wheel.



I can’t believe some of these beach bozos have the balls to try for two girls at once.

There’s no earthly way I’m falling for it.

I nod my thanks and turn my attention back to Marnie. She gives methe look,as if to saywatch this.

“Ohh, is that the new local brew? I heard it’s really citrusy,” she says, closing the tiny gap between her and Tangerine Man.

It’s a quick, exaggerated movement that makes her bang her martini glass rim against his thick chest.

Green cocktail.

Sticky peach-red man chest.

Her face glowing like fire as she lies her little butt off.

“Oh, shit! I’msosorry,” she slurs, batting her eyes.

Yeah. It takes a saint’s restraint not to roll my eyes and laugh.

The beach bum laughs, wipes the mess off his skin, and then pulls her closer with a growl that would shame a tiger.

“You know I’m gonna make you lick that off, right?” He purrs softly in her ear. Still loud enough to overhear.


And there goes Marnie’s panties. Gone with one bad tan and a whiff of testosterone.

I look away with a sigh, taking a long sip off my drink, praying the strong alcohol beneath the fruity kiwi-apple sweetness will help me forget the train wreck I’m witnessing.

Who the hell invited him anyway?I wonder. There are always a few guys like him buzzing around, obviously too old to be students. Unless he’s like a grad student in sports science or something.
