Page 100 of Gods & Angels

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“Apollo can have you. I don’t fucking care.”

“Well, he hasn’t,” I told him quickly, like it suddenly mattered that he knew.

“What?” For a moment, it looked like he did care.

“He hasn’t… We haven’t…”

Another humourless scoff. “Then, it’s just a matter of time.”

“And you don’t care at all?”

He shrugged. “I couldn’t care less.”

“Seriously?” I asked. “You’ve got no feelings about me fucking Apollo?”

“Is apathy a feeling, love? Because I have loads of that.”

“That feeling is mutual, Valen,” I said with venom in my voice.

Anger flashed in his eyes. He’d been angry before, but this was something else. He hadn’t liked that. He hadn’t liked that at all.

“Apathy’s a good colour on you, princess,” he said. “Looks an awful lot like denial.”

“God, I hate you,” I snapped as I turned to leave.

He grabbed my arm, his other arm pulling me right against his body. “But you want me more.”

“Do I?” I asked casually. “What makes you think that?”

“I know you. And I know how good we are together.” He left the unspoken ‘how good we could be together again’ hanging, but I felt it.

“Here I thought one of us had to walk away?”

He growled. “And one of us will.”

I frowned at him. “Right. And it will be me.”

“Are you suddenly not interested, princess?”

“Whatever this was, Valen, it’s over. It’s done. It’s never happening again.”

“I’ve heard that before, love.”

“Yeah? Well, I haven’t forgotten how much I hate you now, so I can safely say I don’t want you.”

But we both knew that was a lie. The more I hated him, the more I wanted him. And he’d made me hate him something shocking.

There was a knowing mischief in his eyes, like he knew. He knew all he had to do was infuriate me and I wouldn’t be able to deny him any longer. Well, he’d been denying me for nearly three weeks, I could surely hold out for the next few minutes until I found the effort to get out of there.

The corner of his lips kicked up into the most sinfully sexy half-smirk. “We both know that’s bullshit.” He leant down to my ear. “Just like you know I never stopped wanting you. Hate. Want. You and I, we can’t do one without the other, princess.”

I looked into his eyes and nodded. “Maybe not, but Icanwalk away from you.”

“Just you wait,” he told me. “It’s only a matter of time before you’re desperate for my cock again.”

I gave him my own knowing smirk. “Who says I’m not already?” I shrugged coyly. “But I spent four years wanting you and not being able to have you, Valen. And I didn’t have the luxury of idiots willing to spread their legs for me. All I had was eight inches of moulded silicon to bury inside me while I thought about your cock. For four fucking years. I survived those four years without anyone else touching me. I can survive again for as long as it takes. Can you say the same?”

Heat pooled in his eyes and his jaw twitched. That, he’d liked. I didn’t care that I’d given so much away, it was worth it to see the desire and need in those stormy eyes. It was worth it to see it straining against his carefully crafted control like a beast dying to be unleashed.
