Page 7 of Gods & Angels

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I might have been kept from the full nuances of the men’s business, but I knew enough to make an educated guess.

“Archer wants Daddy’s money...” I said.

Mum nodded. “Archer would kill for your father’s money.”

When most people said that, it was rhetorical, hyperbole. Something about the way Mum said it made me think she was serious.

My mind ran miles a minute.

Dad owed the Callahans. My hand – my inheritance – was payment. And someone would die if I didn’t go through with it. Well, there went any thoughts of an escape plan.

“Archer hoped you and Apollo would happen naturally,” Mum continued. “Over time. Then...” She cleared her throat. “Now, he doesn’t have to wait.”

This – Apollo and I – was more than just the wishful thinking of two doting mothers, then.

“When... When do I have to marry him?” I asked, assuming it was something as stupid as next week.

Mum shrugged. “There’s no date in the contract. It was agreed to wait until you finish school to draw up the...particulars. At present, it merely stands as a contract owing and the...consequences if it is broken...”

I didn’t need to ask what the consequences were. Even if I hadn’t already guessed, I would have by the way her voice trembled, the look of fear in her eyes, the way her hand reached for mine. I could see she was trying to hide it, the way the women were always supposed to hide it, but she couldn’t. She was that worried.

I nodded. “Okay,” I told her, sounding braver than I felt. “Okay, I’ll marry Apollo. One day,” I added as though I had any power in the situation at all.

Mum hugged me tightly. “Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you.”

As we sat around for pre-dinner drinks that night, our fathers made the announcement.

“Harlow and Apollo will marry,” Archer said.

“And Apollo will be the heir to the Vanguard fortune,” my dad finished, his voice tight, and everything in me fell.

I watched Archer and my father shake hands. My fate sealed. At least, if I was being made to marry someone, it got to be my best friend. If that counted for anything anymore. Everyone at Saint Benedicts had already been told I was Apollo’s. Valen had made sure of that. Why not make it reality?

There was still obvious friction between our fathers, though Archer seemed very pleased with himself as our mothers lavished praise and excitement on the men. There was an undercurrent of tension in the room, like we were all walking on eggshells. We all had our part to play. If we didn’t, people died. Well, I could play a part. How hard could it be?

In our corner of the room, Apollo took my hand. “I’m sorry, Harlow.”

“What for?” I winced at the venom in my voice.

“We’ll get through this. Together.”

I was feeling slightly less optimistic about that. “Really?”

His hand squeezed mine. “I’ll always protect you, Harlow. Our world will never hurt you.”

Clearly, he knew more than me. Equally clear was that he wasn’t about to enlighten me. I didn’t know how he expected to protect me. My place was clearly fixed as far as our parents were concerned, and now Apollo had firmly placed me there as well, even if it was from some misguided belief that he was doing what was best for me.

As a woman in this world, I’d begun to understand I held little power, but at least I’d had my father’s inheritance to give me some influence and authority. Now it – and I – was promised to Apollo, I had none. I was the same as the rest of them.




Chapter Three

It was the entrance that every girl dreams of at least once in her life. Even if the fantasy is immediately discarded as ridiculous. Frivolous. Impossible. The thought crosses her mind. Just once. At least once.
