Page 17 of Seducing Sallina

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“Because I’m your best friend, and I’ve been begging you to tell me why you’d been a sad-looking poopy pants for the last six months,” Anna offered, apparently reading Sally’s mind.

“Nuh-uh. You said that out loud,” Anna slurred, grinning widely, her hazel eyes unfocused and bright. “Both times.”

Sally groaned, slapping her own forehead. “I think we’ve both had too much to drink.”

Anna burped, her face going a bright pink before she giggled. “Y…up. Too much to drink.” She giggled again, and Sally couldn’t help but laugh with her—anything to keep her friend from asking more questions.

How am I still sober enough to even think straight?

“So…Sylvester White fucked you good, got you hooked, then ditched your ass—all while making you his side piece?”

“What the fuck!” a painfully familiar voice bellowed much too close to her ear. She jerked, spilling her drink and jumping from her seat. Turning around, she came face to face to face to face with three men she had not been expecting to see.

Her brother’s face was red, his eyes flashing murder, and his hands fisted at his side. Behind him, Blaze’s eyes were huge, his mouth open like a dying fish, and his face pale. Beside him, though, was the biggest and most awful surprise of the night. Sylvester was here, narrowed eyes flashing, beautiful lips pursed, jaw muscles ticking…and—if AJ’s roar meant anything—he’d just heard Anna’s word vomit.

Sally opened her mouth to tell them all to go away—she just didn’t have the energy or focus to deal with whatever the hell was about to happen, but Blaze beat her to it.

“Okay, folks, I think Anna and Sally need to sleep off their girl’s night, and I think Sylvester and AJ need to have a long conversation about what most of the bar overheard.”

Anna winced. “Was I too loud?”

Sally grimaced, her stomach heaving and her heart racing. She tore her gaze from her red-faced brother and glanced around at the bar. Heads were turned in their direction, apt gazes were pinned to her, leers and pitying smiles in place.


She groaned.

Anna turned sad, blurry eyes to Sally and dropped her chin. “Sorry, Sally-babe.”

Exhaustion overcoming her from toe to ponytail, Sally waved her off with a sloppy grin. What Anna did only sped up what needed to happen, honestly. Sally hated keeping things from AJ…. She’d only wished her secret hadn’t come out in such a dramatic and humiliating way.

She couldn’t blame Anna—Sally was the one who’d fallen for Sly and let him get to her.

AJ, without a word, spun on his heel, pointed at Sylvester, who nodded woodenly, his gaze never even looking her way, then stormed out the bar. Sylvester followed, his movements stiff.

Letting out the breath she’d been holding during the exchange, Sally slumped into the booth seat and slammed her forehead onto the table.

“Gawwwwwd. This is a fucking mess,” Sally murmured into the polished surface, her shoulders and neck tense.

“I think I should get you ladies home now,” Blaze said, helping Anna to her feet. “It was a good thing you called, Anna-mine. I don’t think you’re sober enough to even use the Uber app.”

At his words, Sally sat up, spearing Anna with a glare. “You called them? You brought them here?”

Anna pouted. “I texted Blaze to come and get me. I didn’t know he’d bring the Goon Squad with him,” she said, huffing adorably.

Blaze grunted. “We were together at Sly’s house. You ladies had a girl’s night, so I figured we could have a guy’s night. Steaks, beer, and baseball. When I said I needed to get Anna, AJ decided to come along and help you home…. I honestly didn’t know why Sly decided to tag along.” He offered a wry grin. “I know now, though. I think I should probably head outside to make sure your brother doesn’t get arrested for murder.”

His thick arm slung over Ann’s shoulders, Blaze and Anna slowly made their way out of the bar, leaving Sally to follow behind them, her whole night in the shitter.
