Page 26 of Seducing Sallina

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Warmth exploded inside her, spiraling out from her chest and into her limbs, making them tingle in a way only Sly could produce.

“You seem pretty optimistic about that first date, let alone all the ones after that,” she teased, her smile taking over her face. She couldn’t help it—she wasn’t a home-wrecking slut. The relief at that knowledge had lifted the weight of shame and betrayal from her shoulders. She felt a thousand pounds lighter.

“Of course, I’m optimistic, baby. I finally got you to listen to me—and the orgasms didn’t hurt,” he murmured against her heated neck before chuckling. “Come on, let’s get out of here before they send the manager with the key.”

Her mind swirling, her body aching, thrumming, pulsing with aftershocks, Sally followed behind Sly, his hand tightly grasping hers, as he moved down the hallway from the bathroom to the bar where no one seemed to have noticed that the bathroom had been the stage of the hottest sex she’d ever had.

Peering at the man before her, she couldn’t stop the flurry of butterflies taking flight in her chest.

He wanted a second chance. She wasn’t a cheating whore, just a one-night stand that shouldn’t have ended at one night. Sly wanted to take her on an actual date—and she didn’t know how to answer him.

Yes, you do, bitch! You just swallowed his dick in the bathroom, and now you’re shy about being alone with him in an intimate setting. Ugh! Why did her fierce inner goddess always mouth off at the worst times?

Because you’re putting up walls where you should be paving roads—right to your pussy!

Sly looked at her over his shoulder, squeezed her hand reassuringly, and grinned wickedly; he could probably hear her thoughts…or he could feel her eyes staring holes into his firm, succulent ass cheeks.

“Sly, darling, there you are.”

Dropping her hand like it was on fire, Sly tensed, looking like a little boy who’d just gotten caught with candy before dinner. “Loni,” Sly replied, a sharpness to his tone that made Sally wince.

Wait—Loni? The ex-wife? What was she doing there?

She must have tensed because the slight movement caught the eye of the predator before her. The woman, dressed head to toe in designer clothes and dripping in diamonds, was tall, lithe, with golden hair and cunning brown eyes that devoured Sly where he stood, swung her gaze to Sally. In the time it took to inhale, the woman had done a once over, her gaze snagging on Sally’s, then dismissing her.

Well, that didn’t make her feel like garbage. Not that it was the first time someone dressed to kill peered at her as though she was nothing. Enough of her father’s whores had done it while her beloved father looked on, laughing.

“I know you said you wanted to meet in the bar, darling, but I know we’ll be much more comfortable up in my room. We can order room service…get comfortable…. I’ve missed my best friend.”

Best friend? Yeah right. The woman was ready to pounce on Sly and eat him for dinner. Obviously, he could see that.

But…the impatient but indulgent look on his face told Sally that he didn’t see what she did.

Or was possibly ignoring it. But why?

“We texted and talked just two days ago,” Sly replied, stunning Sally. Sly was still buddy-buddy with his ex-wife?

“Yes, and now we’re here like we planned, so let’s get our evening started, shall we?” The ex-wife purred, placing a hand against his chest. A chest that had been pressed to Sally’s back while Sly had fucked her not even fifteen minutes ago.

Standing there, heart in her throat, Sally couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Sally had, like an idiot, hoped that Sylvester—as outrageously ridiculous as it seemed—had come to the bar, looking for her, that his words were true and he really wanted a chance with her. Apparently, though, he’d been at the hotel for a meet-up with the ex-wife, and seeing Sally was just a chance to have a little fun first.

God, I’m such a love-starved fool.She actually believed all that shit he spouted in the bathroom when all he’d been after was a quickie with the potential for future booty calls. True connection? True intimacy? Lies. All of it lies.

No, that can’t be true.All those things he said in the bathroom. He’d meant those, hadn’t he? He wants to be with me—he’s going to tell her that, too. He will tell her that planning to meet her was a mistake. She had to believe that—needed to believe that.

Please, please tell her you’re leaving with me, that you choose me, our connection—

“I’ll meet you upstairs.” His words were a knife to the chest, making her stagger back.

And that was enough for Sally. Not even bothering to wait for Sly to give her the brush off and a “thanks for the fuck”, she turned and walked away.

“I’ll meet you upstairs,” he said, wanting to placate Loni long enough to say goodbye to Sally and set up a time to see her again and explain the shit going on between him and his ex-wife. “But first….”

Sly turned to introduce Sally to Yolanda, his heart in his throat at the idea of introducing the woman he was falling hard for to the woman who still owned his soul and used every opportunity to hold that against him.

The forced smile on his lips fell away completely when he found an empty spot where Sally had been standing.


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