Page 30 of Seducing Sallina

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When Sylvester caught sight of Sallina, his breath left his body in a grunt even as his feet stopped moving. Dressed in a pair of shorts that barely covered her lush ass, and a halter top that barely contained her big, beautiful tits, she was a vision of plush, perfect sensuality. As she turned to greet him, the bottom of her halter rose, revealing a strip of soft, golden belly he wanted to kiss and lick. She must have known what she’d done to him because her smile was fucking devastating.

Something unlocked deep inside him, and he shivered at the surge of electricity that crackled through his blood.

His eyes on her, he returned her smile with one of his own. The smile of a predator having spotted his prey. He growled, strode to her, grabbed her face between his hands, and took her mouth with all the longing and hunger he’d been holding back since their interlude the night before. It’d been too fucking long since he’d kissed her last, tasted her last, last heard her moans in his ear. He didn’t care where they were or who was watching. He was claiming this woman as his, and he’d kill whoever dared to stop him.

Tensing in surprise, Sally froze, her mouth beneath his immobile, but it didn’t take long before she was opening to him, her tongue battling for supremacy with his, her warm, soft body melting against his, her moans making his cock as hard as a rock. His thoughts on her, on tasting her, on devouring her, it took him several long moments to realize that other sound in his ear—besides the pounding of his heart—was a throat being cleared.

Suddenly, he remembered he was in a bowling alley, probably surrounded by families, little kids, and he was mouth fucking his dream woman where he couldn’t rip off her clothes and bury himself in her silken heat. Forcing his mouth from hers, he dropped his hands from her face and took a step back, not once removing his gaze from hers.

Her cheeks were red, her pink mouth swollen, her glittering green eyes turned to dark emerald behind hooded eyelids, her chest rising and falling rapidly as if she couldn’t catch her breath. Fuck. The ache in his chest quickly outmatched the ache in his cock—she looked just like that, just as worked up, just as hot for him as he was for her that night. That night when he’d experienced that most mind-altering pleasure he’d ever known. With her. Sallina.

“Hi, baby,” he said, his voice deep and raspy, heavy with desire for her.

She swallowed, her eyes blinking as if to clear the haze from them. “Hi,” she replied, her voice nearly as husky as his. “Um…glad you could come.”

His smile wide, he leaned in, brushing his lips over her ear as he said, “I haven’t come yet, but the night is still young, sweetheart.”

She jerked back, her eyes narrowing at him, though she couldn’t hide the deeper flush on her face. “Uh-huh. Bowling. We’re here to bowl, Sylvester. The only thing getting smacked by your balls tonight are the pins.”

Next to them, Blaze and Anna snickered.

“Well, this is going to bed fun,” AJ remarked flatly from his other side, where he was standing with a woman Sly had never seen before. She was tall, framed like a model with long, dark hair in a braid over her shoulder. She was dressed in a pair of pants so tight, Sly could see she wasn’t wearing underwear.

“Sly, this is my date, Miranda.”

Sly offered his hand to shake hers. Her slow smile and the heat of appreciation in her eyes told him all he needed to know about her. He’d seen her kind before; opportunists. She was on the hunt, and AJ was just a distraction for the night.

“It’s so good to meet you, Sly,” she purred, making no effort to hide her interest. AJ didn’t even bat an eye at her blatant perusal of another man. “Where have I seen you before? Have we met? Perhaps in…Miami?”

Oh yeah, she knew who he was, and she was eager to unhinge her jaw and swallow him whole.

Sally stepped in front of him, hands planted on her curvy hips, a scowl on her breathtaking face. “Nuh-uh, Miranda. He’s taken. You stick to your date, and I’ll stick to mine, though why AJ bothered giving you the time of day after already banging you, I have no idea.”

Miranda gasped, and AJ glowered at his sister, unamused at her calling him out.

Sally shrugged, unrepentant. God, she was glorious. “What? It’s not like it’s a secret that you only bring one-night stands to bowling nights.” Sally turned her fierce gaze on the woman who’d moved closer to Sly. He took a step back, sliding closer to Sally. “AJ met you last night, right? And when he woke up this morning, you were still there—talk about awkward—so he asked you to come bowling with him tonight. Right?”

Miranda’s cheeks turned bright red, her lips pinched unattractively. That was Sally’s answer.

“Why don’t we just bowl?” Anna interjected, her voice placating but her glare at Sally and AJ as hot and deadly as a nuke.

That seemed to break the tension. AJ tugged Miranda toward the snack bar, their heads together, Miranda’s hands flying in angry gestures. Blaze and Anna headed toward the shelves of bowling balls to pick from the public offerings. Maeve, whom he hadn’t even noticed until that moment, sat in an orange plastic seat nearest the lane and stared at AJ and his date, her face devoid of expression. And Sallina stood before him, her hands still planted on her hips, her eyes narrowed, and her lips pursed.

She looked fucking magnificent.

And she said you were taken.Hell yeah, his woman had claimed him back…even if she wasn’t looking all that pleased with him at the moment. He’d deal.

“What the hell was that?” she snapped.

“What?” he asked, shrugging, faux innocence in his tone, his eyes as wide as he could get them.

Her lips twitched, fighting a smile.

“You know what. You came in here and ate my fucking face!”

He chuckled at that, reaching out to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her softness into his hardness. His chest and his cock. He bent his head and brushed his lips over hers once. Twice.

“That was me greeting my woman.”

She pulled back, her eyes wide and adorably confused.

“What?” she breathed.

He smirked, loving the dazed look on her face.

“You. Are. My. Woman. And I just showed every horny fucker in here that you’re taken. Just like you told Miranda I was yours. It was glorious, baby.”

Before she could open her mouth and, no doubt, chew his ass, Anna and Blaze returned.

Anna’s eyes sparkling with humor and a tad too much mischief, she raised her arms and yelled, “Let’s bowl!”
