Page 35 of Seducing Sallina

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Never in his life had he experienced sex as good, as mind-blowing, or as life-altering as the sex he had with Sallina.

His hand slowly, gently counting each of her vertebrae, from the bottom of her neck to just above her ass, Sly nearly groaned in contentment. Finally, he had Sallina in his arms again, and this time, he wasn’t going anywhere.

It had been too long since that night, the night he was introduced to the pleasures of Sallina Mendez…and the beauty of the utter contentment he felt when lying beside her, her lush, warm, satiated body pressed against him. His arms around her, her cheek on his chest, her breath fluttering across his neck, the scent of sex, spice, and Sallina filling his nostrils.

Heaven. He was in heaven—and he fucking hated that it had taken so long to get back there. He had no one to blame but himself; his cowardice, his fear of the depth of his feelings for a woman he didn’t even know had driven him from what he’d wanted all along.

It wasn’t going to happen again. Nothing short of the apocalypse would remove him from her bed or her life.

Humming contentedly, Sally raised her head and smiled lazily at him. He leaned down and kissed her softly, enjoying the slow, languid pleasure of her lips. More than anything, he wanted to pull her up to straddle him then fuck her from beneath, but getting to know her better, learning everything there was to know about his woman was as necessary as breathing. He pressed another quick kiss to her lips and laid his head back.

“Favorite color,” he spoke into the semi-darkness of the room, the shadows in the corners held at bay by the bedside lamp which cast a soft, golden light over Sally’s sex pinkened skin.

“Hmmm? What?” she asked, her post-sex voice husky from screaming his name. He just stopped himself from grinning like a fool when she pushed herself up onto her elbow and looked at him. Her thick, black hair in sexy disarray, he wanted to weave his fingers into the mess and hold her down while he made a mess of the sheets again.

“What’s your favorite color?” he asked again, pressing a quick kiss to the tip of her nose. Damn, he loved kissing her. Everywhere.

“Why?” Her manicured eyebrows shot upward, a humorous look of confusion on her face. Had no guy ever asked her what her favorite color was? Well, hell, he’d have to remedy that. Not that he wanted to think about her with other men. Ever.


“Because you’re my woman,” he growled, “and I want to know every fucking thing about you. Can’t please you if I don’t know something as simple as your favorite color.”

“Well, when you put it like that…” she said, laughing, her naked breasts shifting against his hard chest, shooting pulses of electric need straight to his dick.

No fucking. More talking.He wanted more with Sally than sex—and he’d told her as much. So, he’d make a goddamn effort to hold a conversation…even though they were both naked, in bed, with his cock as hard as a rock between them.

“My favorite color is red—but not just any red. I like the deep, dark red, almost like crimson but not as…morbid, I guess. I don’t know. I just think it looks both regal and sensual.”

“Mmm, like you,” he offered thoughtfully, making her grin.


“Favorite food and drink?”

She hummed, dipping her head to lick along his collar bone. “Yesterday, I would have said empanadas, but today….” She dropped her head again, this time skimming his Adam’s apple with the tip of her tongue, her hot breath brushing over the sensitive, heated flesh of his neck.

Fuck! He never knew how sensitive he was there.

“Today…” he prompted, hoping this was going where he sure as hell hoped it was going.

“Today, my favorite food is Sly…and my favorite drink….” She grinned wickedly, her darkened eyes dancing with mischief and wanting. Lifting herself, she slid down the length of his naked body, her hands gliding over the hard, compacted muscles of his chest and down his abs. Her fingertip flitted over her belly button before she dragged her nails through the trail of black hair pointing straight to his titanium cock.

“Fuck, baby. Being your favorite food—” he groaned as she dropped her head and licked a path following behind where her fingers had just been. “You going to taste me, baby? You going to drink me down? I’ll be your favorite food, drink, and flavor, baby.”

She moaned, her hands and tongue actively working to drive him insane. He tensed, shifting beneath her body, lifting his hips to brush the head of his dick against her belly.

“Nuh-uh, Mr. White. Don’t rush me. I’ve never been a fast eater.” She kissed his flesh, just above the base of his cock, her cheek rubbing against the hardened flesh. He groaned, throwing his head back. “I like to savor my meals…especially my favorite ones.”

“Fuuuck, baby,” he growled, lifting his head to peer down at his queen as she wrapped her hands around his cock. “Take me in your mouth, sweetheart. I want to feel the back of your throat on my cock head. Swallow, baby.”

His dick an inch from her face, he grabbed her hair, stopping her. “On second thought—”

In one single motion, Sly sat up, flipped them over, and lodged himself between her spread thighs.

She gasped, her heart hammering.

“It’s my turn to taste you. I want to lick you, suck your needy little clit, make you come, and then drink you down until my throat is coated with your juices.”
