Page 59 of Seducing Sallina

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Sally snagged her purse off the passenger seat and slipped from the car. She glanced at the door to Happy Jack’s and wondered why the hell Sly wanted to meet her there. She’d called Anna to ask if she and Blaze had plans to meet up at the bar, and Anna had said they were planning a night of Netflix and chill. Cutting the woman off before she could go into detail about the “chill,” Sally hung up and called AJ. He’d been called to a site in Hudson and wouldn’t be back in town for another two days. Which meant Sylvester White had something up his sleeve, and she was down for it.

Now, to get her legs to work because she was nervous as shit about what he had planned.

But you’re going to go in there anyway, and you’re going to kiss the hell out of him like you should have last night.Right and right. She was. When she put one foot in front of the other.

Shouts of greetings from friends practically colliding in back slaps and smiles at the door made Sally jump.

Get your shit together, woman! Sly is waiting for you inside. Don’t keep the man you love waiting…like you’ve been waiting for him your whole life.

Instance after instance of Sly hurting her. The two times he’d put her second to Loni. The very fucking night they’d slept together, and he’d bailed on her in the dark of the night like a phantom lover. Over and over again, Sly had stuck his foot in shit and then tried to wipe his foot clean. Over and over again, she let him back in because her heart was so fucking desperate for him. She was in so deep with him that she’d been willing to give him up if he’d come back from Miami determined to make things work with Loni. Thank fuck he hadn’t, though. She would have been shattered to pieces, left to be carried into the ocean by the tide.

But…what if he didn’t feel the same? What if she’d been putting her heart on the line for a man who was only after her fine brown ass and not her heart. Not a future with her? What if his purpose in bringing her to a loud bar on a rowdy night was so he could break things off with her.

But he could have done that last night in her apartment, so why bring her to the place where they’d first met? It was a question that had been plaguing her since he’d hurried out the door the night before. Happy Jack’s held a bushel of memories for her…for them. It’s where their story began—

As if slapped by a tire iron, Sally realized what tonight was. Why Sly had told her to meet him here.

Could it be?

There was only one way to find out.

Tugging up her big girl panties—which was really a deep red velvet thong—she strutted through the door. Head held high, eyes wide, she scanned the crowded room for Sly.

Heat, sensual and delicious, slammed into her, and her eyes were drawn to the back corner of the bar, right to where Sly was currently sitting. His scorching gaze on her. Wearing the same damn suit he’d been wearing the night they’d first met. He was a goddamn sex snack sitting there, and he fucking knew it.

Her core throbbing, her hands shaking, her heart racing, she strode over to him, stopping just beside him to drop onto the vacant stool waiting for her.

“Well, hello there,” he drawled, his baritone voice deep, decadent sex in her ear.

Her breath caught when she gazed into his eyes. Eyes of molten green, eyes that spoke promises of naughty, naked nights, of long, languid lovemaking, and…love.

She saw love.

“Hello to you, too,” she purred, finding her voice.

Sly reached out a hand, and she placed hers in his, his palm surprisingly sweaty. She fought the urge to smile. He was nervous. Awww. Then again, so was she.

“My name is Sylvester White. I am recently divorced, making a good living, and have just relocated to a beach house not far from here. Can I buy you a drink?”

So…that was his angle. He was recreating—remaking—the night they met. Refashioning it into what it should have been from the start.

“Well, Sylvester White, I am Sallina Mendez, currently single, working a job where I should be the boss bitch. I have lived here for four years, since graduating magna cum laude from FSU. And yes, I would love for you to buy me a drink.”

Sly waved over the bartender, and she ordered a martini. Sly ordered a club soda.

“Club soda,” she said, smirking. “Can’t handle the hard stuff?”

His laugh was rough—deep and dark, just like the look in his eyes. He was devouring her, and she was hot enough to catch fire and cook herself for the feast.

Turning on his stool, Sly grabbed leaned forward until his mouth was inches from hers and murmured, “Nothing is as hard as I am right now, baby.”

She groaned, shuddering. Her nipples turned to diamonds in her bra, and she licked her lips.

“I don’t need booze to get drunk on you, Sallina. I have been intoxicated by you since the moment I saw you across the bar. I have been so fucking drunk on you, I haven’t been able to think or see straight for months.”

Months? Whoa. Apparently, the pretense was over.

“You have me so crazy for you, wanting you, needing you, that I never want to know what sanity feels like again. You have captured me, Sallina Mendez. Love at first sight.”
