Page 19 of Adoring Alejandro

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October 1st

Wow. You actually wrote me back. I’m happy yet shocked. I was worried that you’d think I was some sort of freak or fraud.

Thank you.

So…you want to know more about me, eh? Well, I’m a woman in my mid-twenties. I have a job I enjoy. I live in a beautiful town. I have a coffee mug collection that is out of control. And I think you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Yup, I said it. It’s surprising how honest one can be when hiding behind a computer screen. And I guess that’s what all those romance novels are about. Not that I read those. Much.

But that isn’t what this is. This is all too real. This is about a woman who fell for a man who doesn’t know she exists. You guessed it—we’ve met before. But you won’t remember me. For me, though…. When I first saw you, my heart stopped. I literally stopped breathing for long seconds. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. Tall, tanned, dark-haired, with those gorgeous green eyes that just draw you in, strip you naked, and make you beg. God…and your body. Hard. So hard. Perfectly hewn from hard work and not the gym like some dude-bro. If I could dream up the perfect man for me, you would appear.

Lord, I know I sound crazy, but I felt so drawn to you, I just had to email you. To let you know how I feel even though nothing can come of it. I’ll just have to be content with this…if you continue replying, that is.

Hoping you reply,


