Page 27 of Adoring Alejandro

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He wanted Swan to trust him. To him, trust was as important as love. Without one, you couldn’t have the other—not in its purity, anyway. How many marriages fell apart because trust was gone? How many people vowed before God and their loved ones that they could be trusted with the person standing across from them at the altar? And how many of those people didn’t deserve the trust placed in them? How many divorces? And in the case of his parents, how many marriages were nightmares cloaked in pretty, glittering opulence over a decaying, rotten tomb?

Yes, he could walk into the room and turn on the lights, uncovering the mystery of who Swan was with the flick of a light switch, but he knew in his gut that would be the end of things. Forever. She’d feel betrayed, run from him, and never speak to him again.

And he’d rather swallow a real sword than hurt her. His Swan.

What about speaking? Asking her questions? He knew the letter asked him to remain silent, but shouldn’t there be some conversation? An introduction—a real one? He could do that, but…something kept him in place. Something he couldn’t wrap his mind around.

Why the smoke and mirrors?

Why the mystery at all? In this day and age, women were empowered, fierce, taking life and men by the balls. They didn’t need to hide behind technology and secrets to get what they wanted—and Swan wanted him. Her words—from whimsical to sweet to sexy—had been all about her attraction to him, how much she wanted him, how much she wanted more with him. And he’d eaten them up with a spoon.

After spending eighteen years witnessing the ugly side of marriage between his parents, the side where the dutiful, faithful wife stayed true to a diabolical, sadist, cheating asshole of a husband, AJ knew he wanted better for himself. He knew that the woman his mother had been was a beautiful, rare kind of woman: faithful even through the most terrible pain, even to the point of self-destruction. And he wanted a woman like that—less the destruction part. He craved, needed, yearned to find a woman who would love him, adore him, remain faithful to him even when he was an asshole, as—to be completely honest—most men could be at least sixty percent of the time. And, in return, he would be the kind of husband a jewel like her deserved. Just as faithful, just as adoring and loving, and protective and possessive and passionate. AJ was ready and eager to be a husband, to share his life with a woman who epitomized his dream…and she was no more than a few feet away, waiting in a conference room for him to arrive.

His Swan. His dream woman.

And he would damn well make this amazing woman his forever. If he could find a way to get her out of the shadows and into his arms for good.

Now, it appeared that she’d finally decided it was time to come out from hiding, at least from behind a computer screen. She was finally giving him a chance to be with her—the woman he could see himself falling in love with. She was a swan, not a mouse.

Suddenly, an image of Maeve slammed into his mind. Her lips swollen from his kisses, her face flushed with desire, her blue eyes alight with a fire he’d also felt racing through his blood. She’d been like sensual perfection, her lush curves pressed against his hardness.

But she was off limits. His employee. His sister’s friend.

He shook his head, determined to dislodge the memories of that moment in her office when he’d lost his fucking head and kissed her. And then, that night in her apartment, when they’d talked like best friends then kissed like lust-drowned lovers. Maeve was a gorgeous, desirable woman. A woman who wasn’t Swan.

He quickly squashed the guilt that surfaced, because he couldn’t meet his woman for the first time with thoughts of Maeve—and what they’d done—taking up any space in his head.

Here’s your chance. Take it!

Raising his hand, he knocked once, signaling his arrival. He didn’t want to scare her.

From beyond the door, a muffled, feminine voice called, “Come in,” sending tongues of fire through his blood. He shuddered, his large body shaking with anticipation.

Sucking in a breath, AJ opened the door.
