Page 31 of Adoring Alejandro

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AJ swore, and she could feel him pulling away and turning toward the door.

He was going to open the door, turn on the light.

Reveal her and all her secrets.

No! She wasn’t ready!

Survival instinct kicked in. The hairs on her arms stood up straight, and the heat and desire from the kiss turned to flight.

She had to get out of there.

Turning, she placed her hand on the table beside her and used it as a guide to the other door on the other side of the room. She moved as fast as she could in the dark.

Behind her, AJ cursed again.

“Who’s in there? Y-you hav-havin’ schex in-in there?” A high pitched male giggle sounded, only increasing her panic. The doorknob jiggled as the man shouted, “Let us in, we can join you!”

“Dammit,” AJ grumbled into the darkness. “I’m sorry, baby, but I’ve got to turn the light on. These clowns need to go.”

No. Just a few more seconds.

She nearly cried out in relief when she felt the coolness of the doorknob in her grip. Quick as she could, she turned the knob and yanked the door open, hurrying through it just as the light flicked on behind her. Yanking the door shut, she made sure it was locked, then practically tripped over her own feet as she stumbled backward until her back hit the wall across the corridor.

On the other side of the door there was muffled conversation, a raised voice, then silence.

Then, “Fuck! Where did she go?”

She could hear the pounding of his feet as he ran to the door right in front of her. The door she locked so he couldn’t follow.

The knob turned then jerked. Then rattled violently. Then he pounded his fist against the wood.

“Goddammit, no! Swan! Swan, baby!”

Tears of guilt and agony streamed down her cheeks.

God, she was such a fool. Such a cowardly fool.

More muffled cursing, then one final fist pound on the door, this one so hard it rattled the walls.

In a voice heavy with grief and disappointment, AJ murmured, “Why did she run? What did I do?”

You didn’t do anything! This is all me, all my fault. You were perfect, amazing…and I love you.

She couldn’t feel herself moving until she was already where she desperately needed to be.

“Fuck this shit,” AJ spat, anger like a knife cutting through her soul.

Don’t be angry. It wasn’t you…it was me. But rather than say those words to the man she loved, she simply stood there on the other side of the locked door, her trembling hand pressed against the wood.

Listening to his retreat, she and cried.


December 18th,

You taste like cherries. Cherry is my new favorite flavor. Your lips my new favorite thing. So soft. Perfect. I could have kissed you for the rest of my life.

Why did you run? We were just getting started, baby. I have to admit, you leaving like that made me angry, but then I remembered you admitting your fear, that you were scared.
