Page 36 of Adoring Alejandro

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The urge to slam her office door shut pushed the blood into her extremities, but…she just couldn’t do it. Like a train wreck, she couldn’t watch but she couldn’t look away, either.

The train wreck being her heart and hopes and dreams.

The conversation between Blaze, AJ, and the harpy life-stealer went on for long, agonizing minutes, as AJ introduced Denise and Blaze, then asked for the rest of the day off so he could spend it with her.

“Okay, baby,” AJ said, grinning down at Denise. “I need to have this meeting with Blaze really quick, then you and I can spend the day together. How does that sound?” AJ asked, gripping her hips to pull her into him, where she melted against his chest.

That was her chest that bitch was touching. That was her man!

What the hell was happening? She couldn’t just blurt out that Denise was a liar, could she? But if she did, all the effort she’d put in to slowly revealing the truth would be bust. Then again, if she didn’t, Denise would get away with whatever the hell she was doing, and AJ would end up with the wrong woman.

Shewas Swan, she was the one who was supposed to be draped over AJ’s gorgeous, hard chest.

“That’s okay, baby. I understand. My showing up here is a surprise. But I’d love to spend the day with you. We can grab brunch…maybe…go back to your place.” Denise dragged a finger from AJ’s mouth, down his throat, and to his pec, grinning up at him suggestively.

The fucker grinned back, heat filling his eyes.

No! this can not be happening! He should be looking at me like that. Fear tore at her. She was losing him and she didn’t understand how.

In horror, Maeve watched as AJ dropped his head and pressed a soft kiss to Denise’s mouth.

“Give me thirty, then we’ll get out of here.” He stepped away from her and hurried into Blaze’s office, closing the door behind him.

Almost like a Bitch Switch flipped, Denise’s cute, adoring smile transformed into one of vicious glee. She strode toward Maeve’s open office door, her hips swinging, her perfect hair flowing. She was a bombshell…about to explode all over Maeve’s life.

Fortifying herself for what was coming—or at least attempting to, she met Denise’s hard, glinting blue eyes.

“Ms. Walters, what are you doing here? This isn’t a White Estate office,” Maeve said, her voice straining along with her smile.

Denise stopped at in front of Maeve’s desk and leaned in until she was inches from Maeve’s shocked face. The malicious grin on the other woman’s face made Maeve’s blood freeze.

“I know who you are, Maeve Thomas, office manager for Harris Construction. I know all about your little scam to get AJ to notice you.” She sneered at Maeve’s dropped jaw. “What? You didn’t think anyone would find your emails? Figure out your plan to scheme your way into AJ’s pants and pockets?” She laughed, the sound high-pitched and grating. “You’re an idiot if you think your plan would have worked. You’re fat, ugly, and you dress like a box troll—what makes you think he ever would have continued your little farce once he saw you in person?”

“This isn’t a farce or a scheme or a scam—” Maeve just stopped herself from admitting something that would only give the love assassin more ammunition.

Too bad Denise was more perceptive than Maeve first thought.

Denise’s eyes widened, her lips twisting as she stared Maeve down, fileting her skin from bone to look into her soul…and spit on it.

“Oh my God,” she blurted. “You actually care about him? That’s what this was all about? Some sick secret admirer thing?” She threw her head back and laughed, her tight little body vibrating with her wicked mirth.

Maeve swallowed, her mind spinning, her heart racing—she couldn’t find the words let alone the breath to speak.

This couldn’t be happening! The Pennywise of White Estate IT had somehow found her emails to AJ, read them, and came up with the idea to present herself as the woman AJ had been falling for.

“Why?” The question was out before Maeve could think.

Denise cocked her head, giggling. “Why not? Everyone knows AJ is loaded. And he happens to be fucking hot. Why not take advantage of the pre-paved path to wealth and prestige?”

“You think tricking AJ will get you money and standing? The man runs a construction company. He isn’t Sylvester.” Sylvester, their billionaire boss, who happened to be happily in love with AJ’s sister, Sally.

Denise shrugged. “He’s probably one of those men who believe in working with their hands to build a legacy for their kids—blah, blah, blah. All I know is that his grandfather is a billionaire, and he has millions in the bank from an inheritance his mom left him. Loaded. Meaning that whoever gets his ring on their finger will have access to all that lovely money. And I plan for that ring, that sexy ass man, and that money to be mine.”

Oh, hell no! She couldn’t let her get away with that. AJ didn’t deserve that!

Anger scoured her insides, turning her pain to action. She surged to her feet, leaning in to meet glare with glare. “You think I’m going to let you do that? Those are my emails! That was me he was falling for! That was me he met at the party—me he kissed!”

Denise quirked one eyebrow, smirking. “Oh? Did he see you? Did you two talk face to face?”
