Page 43 of Adoring Alejandro

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Pushing past her and into her apartment, AJ stopped just behind her and waited for her to shut the door, staring at her with an unreadable emotion in his eyes.

“Uh…okay,” she muttered, closing the door, and turning to him.

Her apartment was compact at only 850 square feet—since that was all she could afford. The front door opened into a tiny hallway with a coat closet on one side and the opening to the kitchen on the other. One had to walk through the kitchen to get to the small living room/dining room area. There were two bedrooms and one bathroom, but the bedrooms were small. She could just fit her queen bed and bedroom furniture. The other room, the one she was offering to Callie and Lexi, was currently a slapdash home office.

Crossing her arms over her chest, wishing she’d opted for the hoodie and not the stretched to death Book Whore sweatshirt, Maeve prodded, “Is there a reason you came here and then just invited yourself in?” She knew she sounded like a bitch, but she was goddamn entitled to be a little pissed. Life was a fucking bitch, too!

AJ rubbed his face, groaning wearily. There were dark circles under his eyes, and the laugh lines that usually creased his face were deeper. Making his face harder. His green eyes, usually twinkling with good humor were now dark. Heavy. He was tired. Worn out. And she could guess why.

It was her fault for starting the whole Swan thing. It was her fault AJ was confused about his feelings for Swan and whatever it was he was feeling for her. And it was her fault Denise was in his life, no doubt sucking the life force from his body like a succubus.

AJ swallowed and offered a slight smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Can we sit and talk for a minute? Blaze invited me to drinks, but I have to run home first, and, well…your place was on the way, and I just wanted to stop and say something….”

A sharp pain pierced her chest, making her breath hitch. She rubbed at the spot with a shaking hand.

He was there to tell her that things were official with Denise and he had to keep things professional between them from now on. She knew it was coming but…it still hurt like hell.

She swallowed down a pained sob and forced a smile. “Sure. Come in.” She led him through the kitchen and into the living room. She waited for him to take a seat on the loveseat and she took a seat in the small wicker chair with the handmade cushions with the palm trees on it. It was meant to be patio furniture, but it was also a cheap seating option in a small living space.

Seated, she clasped her hands in her lap, forced her gaze to his face, and held her breath.

He rubbed his face again, looking world worn and anxious.

“AJ?” She was well aware that she sounded raspy. Anguished. How could she not? She was grieving a loss of something she’d wanted her whole life. And it was sitting just there…but still out of reach.

“I shouldn’t have kissed you,” he blurted, making Maeve flinch. He met her gaze, regret burning in his green eyes. “I never should have allowed this to go beyond a professional relationship.”

Words failing her, she said nothing.

“I know you’re friends with Sally and Anna, so we’ll have to be friendly with one another. But…do you think that you can do that, be my friend as well as my office manager, without it getting weird?”

Oh…it was so much weirder than that already.

Another forced smile. “Of course. No worries, AJ. We’re both adults, we can keep things as friendly or professional as you want.”

He stared at her, his expression closed, his lips thinned as though holding back.

Finally, he nodded, offering a sad smile of his own. “Okay. Good.”

He stood and she shot to her feet.

What? That was it? That was all he came to say? That couldn’t be it, there had to be more!

Suddenly desperate for him to stay, she reached out and snagged his bare forearm, the contact sending electricity zapping through her. She gasped at the sensation.

“Is this about Denise?” she bleated, her pride taking a hit at the neediness in her voice.

AJ furrowed his brow, his sad smile turning into a frown. He looked down at her hand on his arm and she dropped it like it was on fire. Her fingers curled—that simple, innocent touch of his flesh making her nerve endings tingle.

His frown deepened.

Why the frown? Shouldn’t him finally being with Denise, his Swan, make him happy?

Shouldn’t my misery mean his happiness? She could hear the sneer of her inner thoughts.

She wanted to scream!

“Denise and I are doing great,” he replied, his tone forced. “Honestly, I can’t believe she’s the woman I’ve been talking to all these months. It all seems…surreal.”
