Page 50 of Adoring Alejandro

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Maeve stared down at the text and nearly fell to the floor in shock.

AJ: You look beautiful tonight.

Uh. What the hell? Before she could respond, Callie bumped her shoulder.

“What’s got you looking like you just saw one of those kissing movies you always denied watching?”

Maeve laughed, bumping Callie’s shoulder right back.

Throwing her arms around her friend, she squeezed tight.

“God, I missed you. I am so glad you and Lexi decided to move here. I was beginning to think I wouldn’t see you again until Lexi was a grandmother.”

Callie snorted. “That girl already acts old enough, let’s not rush things, ‘kay?”

Giggling, Maeve hugged her friend again. It was so good to have Callie there. She hadn’t realized how much she needed her friend until she saw her and Lexi again. It was like an ache she didn’t know she had—because she’d gotten used to it—had finally lifted. It wasn’t as though Sally and Anna weren’t good friends, good people, it was that Maeve and Callie had been through a lot together. Callie knew more about Maeve than anyone else.

And you can unload all your shit about AJ on her and she won’t think you’re crazy.

But she couldn’t tell Callie. Because Callie would rage, race her ass to Miami, and snatch the hair off Denise’s head—and Denise would realize that Maeve hadn’t kept her end of the bargain.

No. Maeve couldn’t tell Callie.

After a few more moments of chit chat and spontaneous hugs, Anna and Sally sidled up to Maeve and Callie for introductions. Thankfully, the women seemed to get along perfectly—like Callie was a missing component to their group.

“So, Maeve says you’re looking for work.” Anna was all business all of a sudden, which wasn’t a surprise. Anna was always looking for opportunities to help.

Callie nodded. “Sure am. With the kiddo I only have time for part-time work, so in Nashville the pickin’s were slim.”

“You have a business admin degree?” Sally asked, sipping her glass of water.

“Yup. Sadly, most places hiring for business administration want full-time. I can only work with Lexi is in school. Ultimately, I’d like to open my own business, but I need a steady job first. Banks need proof of income before they’ll just hand you money.”

Anna tapped her chin in thought. “You have any waitressing experience?”

Callie gave a quick nod and grinned, her cognac-colored eyes filling with hope. “I sure do. You got something for me?”

Chuckling at Callie’s enthusiasm, Anna replied, “Greg at Happy Jack’s is looking for a waitress for the afternoon shift. The afternoons are slower and the tips aren’t all the great, but the work is steady. You’d be working with me.” With a brilliant smile, Anna threw an arm over Callie’s shoulder. “That should be incentive enough to apply for the job.”

The group laughed.

“I’ll come by tomorrow to apply, how does that sound?” Callie said, her lips quirking.

“Sounds like we’re going to be work besties.”

Maeve couldn’t stop the warm, joyful smile. She was relieved that her best friend had been so warmly embraced by her new friends. Not that Sally and Anna would be anything but wonderful and welcoming.

“Mama, can I have a soda?” Lexi peered up at her mom, her long black lashes fluttering in a well-practiced manner. The placemat before her was covered in crayon markings and tic-tac-toe using crayons provided by the hostess.

Callie snorted. “You can fan those things at me all you like, missy, but it’s too close to bedtime for sweets.”

Lexi huffed, crossing her little arms over her chest to pout.

Seated at the twelve-seater table, they dug in once the pizza and breadsticks arrived. Maeve, seated between Callie and Lexi, allowed herself to be taken away by the closeness and conversation of her long-time friend and her daughter. It felt good to have them there. It felt like, after too many wrongs, something was going right.

Distracted by what was going on around her, Maeve had nearly forgotten about the text she’d received right before it all started.

Flicking her gaze to the man across the table chatting with Blaze and Sly, she nearly melted in a pool of need when his gaze landed on her. Green fire. He smirked, driving the need deeper. She sucked in a breath and, with a trembling hand, took her phone from her pocket. Spying the beer on the table by his plate, she texted him.
