Page 63 of Adoring Alejandro

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There! Employee email access. As the boss, he had access to all email accounts on the business server. He wasn’t doing anything wrong—and if his suspicions were correct, he would be doing something to right an already terrible wrong.

Scrolling through the list of employees, he found Maeve’s name and clicked on it.

Ignoring all the emails dated yesterday, he found one sent from Denise’s account to Maeve’s that afternoon. What could Denise have sent to Maeve that would have terrified Maeve like that? And why?

He clicked.

And the world dropped out from beneath him.

Screen shots of Facebook accounts for Maeve, Callie, Sally, Sylvester, Anna, and Blaze. There was also what looked like a yearbook picture of third-grade Lexi. The only one missing was AJ. Beneath each screenshot was a link. Hand trembling, he clicked the link beneath Sally’s picture.

The link led to a secured landing page with a detailed list of what could only be described as a list of intentional calamities.

Drain bank accounts

Photoshop pictures of her fucking another man

Sell those pics online

Create criminal record for drug distribution

Create arrest warrant

Call the police with anonymous tip

“What the fuck?” he spat, nausea rising into his throat. It was like a hit list on his sister. His motherfucking sister!

Clicking out of Sally’s list, he clicked on Maeve’s, anger and dread sinking him fast. As he read, his anger grew, morphing into rage. Denise had it all planned out—she was going to turn Maeve into some kind of child predator with terrorist ties.

On and on the links beneath the screen shots revealed more and more of Denise’s terrifying and disgusting threats. And he didn’t need to wonder why the woman was threatening to ruin so many people. The words in bold cross the top of the email revealed much.

Tell AJ the truth & this will all become a reality. Keep your mouth shut and you’ll all be safe.

The woman had found Maeve’s emails to AJ as Swan. But what was her endgame? What was the purpose for the lying and the threats? AJ was arrogant enough to admit women went crazy over him, but crazy enough to create such an elaborate scheme, and then to threaten such horrendous things on people AJ loved?

She had to be stopped.

Grabbing his phone, he called the only person who could help him fuck with a woman who had far too much power.

“AJ?” Sly’s voice rumbled over the line.

“Sly, man, you need to get here now. Don’t tell Sally.”

There was a moment of silence where AJ knew Sly was contemplating the hurt he’d be in if Sally realized he’d kept something from her once again. Finally, he sighed and replied, “I’ll be right there.”

“What the fuck is this shit?” Blaze roared, throwing his beer bottle against the wall where it shattered into uncountable pieces. “What the fuck is wrong with Denise? Why would she threaten all this shit?”

After calling Sly, AJ had called Blaze. With both men and their respective women involved, he knew they would want to know what was going on. And AJ could use all the help he could get.

“That’s what I want to know. Why does my director of IT have it out for Sally?” Sly growled, his protective instincts for AJ’s sister rising. “What the hell did Maeve do?”

“Maeve didn’t do shit. She’s on that list, too. This is Denise threatening Maeve. You can read it yourself. If Maeve opens her mouth, Denise will unleash all that shit on Maeve and our friends and family.”

“What is Maeve supposed to keep quiet about? What can she possibly know that is so important that Denise is threatening to turn the woman I love into a drug kingpin?” Sly demanded, his face ruddy with unspent anger.

“Swan,” AJ replied.

Blaze stiffened and Sly jerked, his eyes glaring a hole through AJ.
