Page 69 of Adoring Alejandro

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AJ watched the confusion then panic fill Maeve’s eyes. God, what he would give to shield her from what was about to happen, but he couldn’t. She needed to be there, to bear witness to something required of him as the man who loved her.


He fucking loved the shit out of her.

And now, he would prove it the only way he could.

Tearing his gaze from his Maeve, he turned to Denise, who was glaring at Maeve like she was shit on her four inch heels.

“Denise,” he cooed, nearly throwing up in his mouth. He needed to make sure Denise focused on him, even if it meant hurting Maeve in the short term. “Baby, I’m glad you could make it.”

A sharp intake of breath made AJ wince. He couldn’t look at Maeve or he’d crumble, and their well-laid plans could fail. He needed to keep Denise there, at Happy Jack’s, until he got the signal from Sly.

Come on, Sly. Hurry the fuck up.

While Denise was with him, Sly’s man, Samson was hacking into Denise’s phone, wiping it, and blocked her access to White’s systems where all her threatening materials were stored. The woman was so fucking arrogant, she didn’t even consider keeping her blackmail shit on a private server. She believed she was untouchable, that no one would ever be able to best her. Well, Samson Wellington, former Naval Intelligence and SEAL, was set to prove her wrong.

Strutting toward him, her hips swaying, Denise looked every inch the beautiful poison. Pretty but venomous. She’d dressed in a short, tight black dress that looked like it should have been a bandage rather than evening wear.

As she neared him, he held himself in place. The urge to take a step back, to put space between her and his body, was so great, he had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself standing there.

Her painted lips curled into a seductive grin and her eyes grew hooded, her gaze dropping to drag over him, taking in his body. He wanted to wanted to scrub his flesh until he was raw.

“Baby, what is she doing here?” she asked, snarling at Maeve over her shoulder. Maeve, his strong, beautiful Maeve, didn’t even flinch.

That’s it, baby, just keep watching. I’ll fix this all for you.

Just then, his cell buzzed in his pocket. Then again in quick succession. Sly’s signal.

It was time.

“Huh. Didn’t you get my text?” he asked, innocence dripping from his tongue.

She furrowed her brow and pursed her lips, clearly confused. Raising her arm, she reached into her tiny, beaded purse.

He hadn’t sent her a text, but she wouldn’t know that. But she would know something else in three…two…one…

“What the fuck?” Denise barked, scowling down at her cell. All the pretty pretense twisting into ugly truth on her face.

“Is something wrong?” he asked, not even bothering to keep the condescension from his tone.

Her focus snapped to him, her eyes narrowing sharply. “You did this! What the fuck did you do to my phone?”

“I didn’t do anything to your phone, Denise. I wouldn’t have any idea what it takes to wipe a cellphone and destroy every piece of information stored on it.” At her gasp, he continued, shrugging. “I wouldn’t have the first clue how to download all the data, upload it to an encrypted server, and then send that information to the FBI. Oh, and I wouldn’t know how to restrict all access to the White servers so you couldn’t even back door them no matter what you tried.”

She was vibrating by that point, her phone gripped so hard in her hand, it would probably break any moment.

Panting, her face three shades of blistering red, she shrilled, “What the fuck did you do?”

Annnnnd, that was the cue for the other players in their Destroy Denise scheme to make their appearance.

Maeve, still standing there, her hands cupping her mouth, her eyes wide and filled with disbelief, turned to look at the door to the kitchen as it swung open and Blaze, Sly, Samson, and a new player, Detective Camilo Oliveira from the Jackson Key police department, strode into the room.

Damn it was getting crowded…and intense.

Beside him, Denise tensed, her body going ramrod straight.

“Sylvester, what are you doing here?” she spluttered, clearly feeling the noose closing around her neck.
